Outcomes of several biological therapy in a case of Behçet disease with macular oedema outbreaks Suhel Elnayef Beatriz Rodriguez Aguado Barbara Delás Mouafk Asaad Consorcio Sanitario de Terrassa
Clinical Case A 28 years old male, from Morocco, attended our hospital for left eye pain, red eye and blurred vision with retroorbital headache without fever. - panuveitis on his right eye - oral and genital ulcers - knee arthritis Uncorrected VA: NLP / HM BMC: Right eye: cyclitic membrane. Left eye: keratic precipitates, tyndal ++, flare +++, remains of cyclitic membrane on crystalline and hematic color masses beyind cristalline.
Treatment Treatment : Anti-inflammatory and topical mydriatic. Internal medicina treatment: Prednisolona 90mg/día sistémica, ciclosporina 100mg/12h, colchicina 1mg/d. 3 m after : VA Left Eye 0.1 (20/200). Partial resolution of synechiae, vitreous moderate fibrosis. Development of posterior subcapsular cataract , so operation was performed
Macular Edema after cataract surgery 6 m after IQ: VA LE 0.1 (20/100) OCT: Cystoid macular edema 557 µm Plan: Triamcinolone IV injection
Several outbreaks of CME in the folowing year
Starting infliximab 5mg/kg (10 dose in 1 year) 2 Outbreaks in 1 year
Starting adalimumab 80 mg per month (10 months) 2 Outbreaks in 10 monthes
Starting tocilizumab 162 mg per week (10 months) 2 Outbreaks in 10 monthes
Conclusions We noticed that the number of CMA outbreaks has decreased since begining of infliximab therapy The patient still have recurrent posterior uveitis (2 outbreaks per year) Changing biological therapy (infliximab, adalimumab and tocilizumab) has not produced a decrease in the number of recurrences