WITHITS Committee Report Negar Kiyavash
ITA2015 Event WITHITS luncheon at ITA Informal setting for networking Main agenda items was to recruit more members, especially from student, and postdoctoral body Discussions items included: For Students and Postdocs: Positioning IT graduates successfully for getting academic positions, how to make good job talks For Junior Faculty: How to choose students, successful (or not so successful) advising experiences and approaches, how to get research grants.
ISIT 2015 Event Event included two networking and mentoring oriented games. Natasha Devroye and Lalitha Sankar ran the meeting. About 30 participants
ISIT 2015 Event 1st Game: Participants grouped into about 10 groups of 3. Asked to provide three clues about themselves, things they had in common. Their responses were read out to the whole group and people had to guess which group it came from. 2nd Game: List of about 20 questions with “best of…” and “worst of…” were put on the board and groups were asked to come up with their versions. Questions Besides a fun event, the games encourages sense of community and finding what the participants had in common with each others.