CREATING YOUR FUTURE IN PHARMACY John E. Clark, PharmD, FASHP Director, Post-graduate Residency Programs Director, Experiential Education University of South Florida | College of Pharmacy Tampa, Florida
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Learning Objectives Describe three principles to follow in preparing yourself for a future in pharmacy. Identify and describe at least five critical principles associated with change Recognize and discuss three area where there will be a demand for pharmacist’s services in the future Describe at least five ways to assemble the necessary skills and knowledge for future change in pharmacy List at least five factors that will determine what you will do as a pharmacist in the future
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Strive for Professional Excellence Critical Principles in Preparing for your Future Strive for Professional Excellence Professional Involvement Develop and Kindle the Fire Within
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 1. Change Universal, never-ending, complex Will not abate, will affect the entire health care system A permanent condition Lead by an information revolution
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 1. Change Must track and strive to understand change Has enormous opportunities for success Threats, when faced must be faced with a positive attitude and proper effort, can become opportunities.
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 2. Anticipate Demands for Service Pharmacists demand will increase Drug related illness will not abate Drug treatment will not diminish Drugs will not become less potent, less specific, less costly, or less risky
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 2. Anticipate Demands for Service Pharmacists demand will increase Patients treated with drugs will increase Drugs that required specialized knowledge for administration will grow
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 2. Anticipate Demands for Service Must understand the nature of the need Less need for dispensing Increase need managing drug therapies in all environments: Home, acute, long-term, intermediate care
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 3. Assemble Necessary Skills and Knowledge You are receiving a first rate education Count on it, rely on it, use it Your education today must serve as the foundation for your continued growth
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 3. Assemble Necessary Skills and Knowledge You must not stagnate educationally Educational stagnation will be your career’s kiss of death. Begin to continue your education now
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 3. Assemble Necessary Skills and Knowledge Subscribe to and read your professional journals Cultivate the habit of reviewing the medical and pharmaceutical literature Begin a pharmaceutical library
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 3. Assemble Necessary Skills and Knowledge Share what you learn with your colleagues and other students Try to learn something from your patients
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 3. Assemble Necessary Skills and Knowledge Reinvest in your future after graduation for continuing payoffs to follow Go back to school. Take some classes Complete a residency Enroll in a certificate program Board Certification
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 3. Assemble Necessary Skills and Knowledge Take advantage of every opportunity to increase your knowledge and skills that is consistent with your career goals. “Practitioners of the future will be judged by what they know, not by what letters follow their name.”- Richard P. Penna
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 4. Professional Excellence is the Goal Perfect a process for continual learning Professionals practice and perfect the process for continual learning and decisive action until it become natural Learn from successes and failure, past experiences, education, and mentors
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 4. Professional Excellence is the Goal Perfect a process for continual learning Cycle of Continual Learning Learn Analyze Question Act
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 4. Professional Excellence is the Goal Harness Technology and Information Systems Use and apply new technology and information systems Take personal control and responsibility It will shape your practice
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 4. Professional Excellence is the Goal Become a Leader Extraordinaire Emphasize collaboration, group thinking, teamwork, and continuous quality improvement Be courageous, competent, principle-centered, and visionary Be a designer, steward, teacher, clinician
CREATING YOUR FUTURE 5. Factors That Determine what you will do in the future The public Third-party payers Pharmacy membership organizations State boards Pharmacy schools Employers and managers Individual pharmacists
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Factors That Determine what you will do in the future The Public You must educate the public about the contributions pharmacists make toward good health care Become involved with the community and the media Civic and religious organizations
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Factors That Determine what you will do in the future Third-Party Payers You must convince third-party payers that their interests are better served when pharmacists are involved in health care Reimbursement of cognitive services Pharmacoeconomic research
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Factors That Determine what you will do in the future Pharmacy Membership Organizations You must make pharmacy organizations more responsive to your professional needs Education Legislative Networking You must remain active in your profession “You can’t save pharmacy if you don’t love the pharmacists. You can’t lead the pharmacists if you don’t serve pharmacy”
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Factors That Determine what you will do in the future State Boards You must demand that state boards of pharmacy lead you wisely into the future Update practice act Include visionary, competent board members
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Factors That Determine what you will do in the future Pharmacy Schools You must demand that our schools of pharmacy graduate pharmacists who are fully capable of managing drug therapy. Quality training programs Develop retooling programs for practicing pharmacists
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Factors That Determine what you will do in the future Employers and Managers You must have strong leadership at your practice sites Must create a pharmacy for pharmacists Equip pharmacists for future roles Educate administrators
CREATING YOUR FUTURE Factors That Determine what you will do in the future Individual Pharmacists Each of us must take charge of our own destinies and make the forces that shape our profession work for us Stay in touch with your attitude and behaviors. They will take you from A to Z Educate the public, third-party payers, administrators, legislators Make state boards and organizations responsive
CREATING YOUR FUTURE SUMMARY – Develop and Kindle the Fire Stand on Principles Practicing with an uncompromising core of beliefs and principles always serves as the stable and primary source of the fire Engage in Continual Learning Continual learning and questioning provide a steady source of enthusiasm
CREATING YOUR FUTURE SUMMARY – Develop and Kindle the Fire Study Heroes Its critically important to have heroes. Pharmacy has many; study them well Associate with Winners Winners all have the fire within, and it is infectious. Associate with winners whenever possible
CREATING YOUR FUTURE SUMMARY – Develop and Kindle the Fire Enjoy the Journey Professional practice, like life, is a journey, not a destination, so you might as well have fun and enjoy the trip Focus on Others Caring for others becomes the ultimate source of professional and personal fulfillment. You must always seek to be patient-centered
CREATING YOUR FUTURE SUMMARY – Develop and Kindle the Fire Pass it On The greatest way to keep and kindle the fire is to pass it on. Every great professional leader is invariably also a great teacher and mentor "LEADership is not a position..... it's the ACTion you take."
CREATING YOUR FUTURE SUMMARY Pharmacy is not immune to change Pharmacy is a proud and honorable profession Remember why people need pharmacists Remember it’s just a journey – enjoy the trip