Where To Begin
Where do I begin instruction? Based on the results of the assessment, I select an appropriate “Decodable” text. With this type of text, new readers can decipher words using the letter-sound correspondences they have been taught.
Where do I begin instruction? Based on the results of the assessment, I select an appropriate “Decodable” text. With this type of text, new readers can decipher words using the letter-sound correspondences they have been taught.
What letter-sound correspondences do students need to learn in order to read this text fluently? Consonants: t, b, h, s, p, l, r, c Vowels: a High Frequency words: a, is the
What letter-sound correspondences do students need to learn in order to read this text fluently? Consonants: t, b, h, s, p, l, r, c, f,, g, m, n, w Vowels: a, i, o, u, e High Frequency Words: a, the, to, and, of
Introduce Letter- Sound Relationship “Controlled Discovery” Oral Presentation: /ssssat/ /ssssun/ /ssssilly /sssseal/ T: “What sound did those words start with?” S: “s” Visual Presentation: sat, sun, silly, seal T: What letter did those words start with S: “S” T: what sound does the letter “S” make? S: “ssssssss”
i s t p a Literacy How, Inc.
The Four Types of Phonics Instruction Literacy How, Inc.
1. Analogic Phonics/Word Families “If b, a, t is bat, then m,a, t is mat.” Use rhyme patters for reading new words. bat bag man cat tag tan sat rag can fat nag pan mat sag ran Literacy How, Inc.
Keeping Initial phoneme and vowel constant sa t bag man pad sa g bat map pass sa ck back mad pack sa d bass mat pat sa p bad mack pan Literacy How, Inc.
2. Synthetic/Blending/ Synthesis Phonics Synthesize or blend phonemes into words s a t /s/ /a/ /t/ /sat/ Literacy How, Inc.
4. Spelling Strategy Phonics/Analytic “snap” says word /s/ /n/ /a/ /p/(segment word into phonemes) “s” “n” “a” “p” (name letters) “s” “n” “a” “p” (write letters) “snap” (say word) Literacy How, Inc.
Introduce a Consonant Blend T: Oral Presentation: /snnnap/, ‘ssnnnif/, /ssnnow/, /ssnnake/ T:“What sounds did those words start with?” S: ssnnn Visual Presentation: Snap, sniff, snow, snake T: What letters did these words start with? S: “S” “n” T: What sounds do the letters “s” “n” make? S: /sn/