Warm up & Recap # 12 A) Yesterday we learned that China would become a ______ of ______ during the Age of Imperialism, which meant that… _____ B) But we also saw African countries gain their independence finally during the _____ and the effects of Imperialism on Africa which included _____________.
So …let’s get back to Warm up #11 and finish up….. In some classes I got to India… Who controlled India again during the Age of Imperialism? …And what was their “strategy” at keeping peace and stability in India during their rule of the country?
When Great Britain took over India, part of the strategy for stability was: divide and conquer, meaning… “cause problems between the Muslim and Hindus in India so that they will not work together to overthrow us…” The British, during their control of India, paid off the various local rulers for support in exchange for special trading favors in their area. The British East India Company also paid for an army of Indian soldiers called Sepoys to enforce their policies. In 1857, a rumor spread through the Sepoys that the bullets used in the rifles were being greased with the fat of pigs or cows, thus offending both of the religious groups that made up the natives in the Army. The rebellious army went through India killing hundreds of the British families living there (History calls this The Sepoy Mutiny). To squash this, the British brought in their army and were able to put down the rebellion. From this point on the British kept an army in India for fear of another uprising.
And who were ruling England during this time with full control of India under her belt? Queen Victoria…. …..by 1858, Queen Victoria , then Queen of England, called herself the Empress of India …She reined England from 1837 to her death in 1901…her reign, lasting 63 years, was longer than any other monarch of Britain ….This was a period of industry, political, scientific and military change for Britain. Under her reign, Britain truly was marked by great expansion as an Empire
While she ruled….was during the building and takeover of the Suez Canal by the British…. By 1869, the Suez Canal was done and British were settling in India with separate societies, since travel to India now only took 3 weeks **************************** But…will the Indians just be ok with Britain ruling them? NO….By 1885 Indian Nationalism started building as the Indians were getting fed up with British Control…. And to add to it, in 1919, there was an act passed by the British that led to a massive protest…50 soldiers in about 15 minutes, massacred about 400 people and wounded 1200 …If the Indians wanted change….true freedom….for all this to stop! They had to have a leader!
A leader for India… What lawyer will rise up and create much havoc for the British with fasting, and peaceful protests, until India finally receives its independence in 1947-8?
This is the Gandhi that you all recognize….
Like, MLK, Gandhi’s strategy was peaceful revolt to gain change Britain’s army was able to maintain control of India until Gandhi came to the plate for his country…. Like, MLK, Gandhi’s strategy was peaceful revolt to gain change So did it work? Yes…after WWII, India would in fact gain their independence between 1947-48
But….the negative of this? Remember I said when Great Britain took over India, part of the strategy was: divide and conquer, meaning… “cause problems between the Muslim and Hindus so that they will not work together to overthrow us…” A long term effect of imperialism, would become Muslims and Hindus in India not being able to live peacefully together. And…actually…because of this truth…As soon as independence was given in 1947-8, there were 2 separate countries created. Majority Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan to try and help with the situation….. And…speaking of these religious issues…does anyone know what happened to Gandhi after he helped India gain their independence?
So …in closing on your Warm up #11 for India & Africa … So …in closing on your Warm up #11 for India & Africa ….Let’s look at the Overall Positive & Negative Effects of Imperialism on them…. *************** India, Britain’s “Jewel in the Crown”, had a greatly advanced and complex political, social, and economic system before the British and French invaded and claimed it for their own. Because of this and the additional effects of British Imperialism on India, there were positives left like railroads, improved infrastructure and improved sanitation left by the Brit’s when they left… But of course, negatively, imperialism naturally left cultural and racial discrimination as was common in these areas of the world, along with exploitation of resources that had been used up by the imposing country’s grip
And…The positives left from this era of history? Africa was much less advanced though, and more easily conquered during the Age of Imperialism Because of the colonization of Africa by primarily France, England and Belgium, there would be great political and cultural impact on Africa. 1) Countries were formed regardless of native tribes, communities or cultures. 2) Natives were seen as inferior, therefore, Europeans made efforts to force European religions upon them and to teach them in European ways… And…The positives left from this era of history? European Imperialism, though awful to think about, did leave Africa more 1) literate and 2) healthy, their life expectancy increased over the years of Imperialism and since then… One can ask if there were positive effects at all left from Imperialism’s hand in Africa because of her condition today. But there were in fact lasting effects of 1) railroads, 2)education and 3)sanitation systems because of the long period of history that Europe kept its grips of power. Another obvious effect of Africa’s history, is the involvement of so many missionaries, volunteers and even high status celebrities that try to help continent past and present.
Tomorrow is Test Time!...SO LET’s KAHOOT to get ready! …To help you get ready for the Unit 7 Test…I have printed a Topics and Review Sheet for you and a Crossword Review *********************** Remember the Topics for Unit 7:, The Industrial Revolution, The 2nd Scientific Revolution, Economic Theorists of the era(Smith, Marx and the roots of socialism) and The Age of Imperialism