Runione AtlasItalia Milano 17/11/2009


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Presentation transcript:

Runione AtlasItalia Milano 17/11/2009 J/Ψ ->μμ reports sugli analysis walk-through Runione AtlasItalia Milano 17/11/2009 Francesco Conventi (per il gruppo di analisi J/Ψ) J/psi -> mu mu Riunione AtlasItalia

EARLY-DATA ANALYSIS: J/Y IN DI-MUONS The first LHC run period in 2009-2010 is expected to deliver an integrated luminosity of the order of 100 pb-1 with the following schedule: first collisions during the first week of December with a CM energy of √s = 900GeV; √s = 2.2 TeV untill the end of 2009; √s = 7 TeV in 2010. Given the Standard Model predictions, ATLAS is expected to detect: J/Y  + ≈ 500/ pb-1 , at √s = 900 GeV J/Y  + ≈ 6000/ pb-1 , at √s = 7 TeV Z  + /pb-1 ≈ 200/ pb-1 , at √s = 7 TeV THE STUDY OF THESE SAMPLES HAS A DOUBLE ADVANTAGE, BECAUSE IT ALLOWS TO TEST DETECTOR CALIBRATION AND PERFORMANCE AND TO MAKE FIRST CROSS SECTION MEASUREMENTS: First pb-1  detector and trigger understanding and calibration; First 5pb-1  trigger and offline muon efficiency studies; >10 pb-1  J/Y cross section measurement;

EARLY-DATA ANALYSIS: J/Y IN DI-MUONS J/Psi-->mu+mu and Y-->mu+mu- Analysis Readiness Walkthrough: CERN, Monday 31 August 2009 Trigger Low-pt muon reconstruction Inner Detector Data Preparation and Analysis Model Gruppi Italiani coinvolti (a partire dal 10/2009): Academic Researcher PostDoc PhD LaureaMagistrale Genova Gemme Cornelissen Napoli Alviggi M. Carlino G. Iacobucci G. Della Volpe M. Conventi F. Rossi E. Musto E. Picazio A. Roma1 Dionisi C. Giagu S. Luci C. Rescigno M. Biglietti M. Maiani C. Artoni G. Ippolito V.

Table of Actions: Trigger Full Table of Action @

Table of Actions: Low-Pt Muon reconstruction

Table of Actions

J/Y IN DI-MUONS: MCTruth Sample #Eventi Ecm Luminosità mc08.108422.Pythia_directJpsimu2p5mu2p5.merge.AOD.e355_s462_s520_r809_r838_tid096508 199905 10TeV 6,9 nb-1

J/Y IN DI-MUONS: MCTruth (DeltaR vs MuonPt generator cut) Mu6Mu4

J/Y IN DI-MUONS: LVL1 Single Muon LVL1 trigger and/or DiMuon Lvl1 trigger LVL1 turn-on curves from data Standard/non standard Thresholds Mu6Mu6 Mu6Mu4

Fake-dimuons Lvl1 trigger J/Y IN DI-MUONS: LVL1 and HLT TRIGGER: Fake-dimuons Lvl1 trigger Fake-dimuons Lvl1 trigger Cosmic “DiMuons”: run 137651 (Nov ‘09) NMuctpi_hit>1 muctpi f1 muctpi f2 fake dimuons from phi overlaps Single Muons (simulation) J/psi -> mu mu Riunione AtlasItalia


Conclusioni: Gruppo italiano di analisi J/Ψ costituitosi da poco (10/2009) Coordinamento con le attività e le principali richieste provenienti dalla JPsiWalkThrough Differenti tasks: Trigger, LowPt muon Reconstruction, Tracking in the ID, background rejection from π/K Attività appena partite…eventuali nuove forze sono benvenute!!!