The process of taking the results of our bible The process of taking the results of our bible study (exegesis) and developing it in the form of biblical messages (sermon) to communicate to others The Art of Preaching Exegesis- The process of carefully studying and analyzing the text to determine its original meaning [another way of describing basic bible study methods] Hermeneutics- The rules of interpretation applied to the text of scripture during bible study
SYSTEMATIC STUDY It means an orderly , logical procedure or approach for studying the bible to determine it’s meaning & apply it’s truth Is concerned with both with proper steps to use and the order in which those steps are followed
What systematic study is It is only a means (process) we used to achieve a goal: to know, obey & teach God’s word. Our study is always with a view to apply and share the truth discovered Our study is always first centered in the text itself (what does the scripture say?) Our study is independent & inductive i.e. we seek to see the truth of scripture, not imposed on scripture what we believe to be true or read into the scripture what is not there.
PROCEDURE OF SYSTEMATIC BIBLE STUDY Our systematic study procedure is a process w/c seeks to draw principles of truth from the words of scripture.
HOW TO SELECT A THEME? A sermon needs a theme for the same reason that a building needs a blueprint. A theme less sermon is like a flood w/c spreads in every direction. A sermon with a theme is like a river flowing w/in its banks in a certain direction. a train cannot go anywhere no matter how much power the engine has, unless it stays in the track; a sermon may make a great display of steam but it does not reach home unless it follows its theme. The choice of a worthy theme is a very large step toward successful sermon construction.
2 KINDS OF THEME 1. Rhetorical theme– is a Subject with its modifiers. Ex. “The Blessings of God’s People.” “The Perils of Life’s Journey” “The Sinner’s Need of Repentance” 2. Logical Theme- consists of Subject & Predicate. Ex. “Faith in Christ is the only Means to Salvation” “Happiness is not found in Possessions only” “Why is Faith in Christ necessary to Salvation”
QUALITIES OF A GOOD THEME Comprehensive- the theme should express the whole aim of the sermon. Biblical – the good propositions should be biblical, otherwise its elaboration could hardly be called a sermon. Dynamic- It stirs the hearers minds thinking in a certain direction. Specific- people are not intensely interested in general subject “faith” but many are interested in ‘faith that overcome the world”
HOW TO CHOSE A TEXT? If it is the business of the preacher to preach the gospel, if the gospel is found in the bible, if the bible is the divinely inspired revelation, then a sermon ought to be based on a text. If it is important that men know the bible thoroughly then the preacher must used every opportunity to quote, teach and honor the Scripture
Rules in Selecting a Text Select a real text. A real text is one w/c is a complete statement, precept, or narrative used w/ the sense intended by the author. Text w/c are isolated from the context and accommodated to an application foreign to the purpose of the author are not proper text. Ex. “let us do evil that good may come” is a sentence from the bible, but when isolated from the context it is contrary to the teaching of the sacred author, &, as such, is not scripture.
Rules in Selecting a Text 2. Select the great doctrinal & ethical texts of the bible. Do not fear that these have been exhausted because they are frequently used. They are often used because they are great preaching text. 3. Avoid text w/c are known to be interpolations, that is portions w/c have creep into later manuscript through scribe’s error or additiond from marginal notes w/c are not to be found in the oldest and most reliable manuscript.
Rules in Selecting a Text 4. Avoid the sayings of uninspired men. 5. Do not choose text simply because they are strange or funny.
REASONS FOR ORGANIZATION OF THE SERMON Organization facilitates the preachers delivery. It is easier to remember the sermon thoughts if they are arranged so that logically related thoughts follow one another. It is easier to kept the whole body of material in mind if it has a plan. The organize sermon is more pleasing to the hearers; it has more beauty. The organized sermon is easier to remember . A sermon has permanent value only if it can be remembered
Compare the 2 kinds of outline & judge w/c would be remembered God saves mankind Men ought to love one another. Faith is necessary to salvation Sin will bring eternal condemnation Lying is a great sin There are many signs to Christ’s soon return The Great Lake-God so loved the world. The River- that He gave His son The Pitcher- Whoever believeth on Him The Drink- Should have everlasting life
REASONS FOR ORGANIZATION OF THE SERMON 4. The organized sermon can be more easily understood. 5. Organization increases the effectiveness of the sermon.
OUTLINE Theme:_______________________ Text: _____________________ Intro _____________________ ______________________ I. 1st main division a. Sub-division b. Sub-division II. 2nd main Division a. Subdivision b. Subdivision III. 3rd main Division a. Sub division b. Sub division Conclusion/Application:_______________
Rule: * The theme is taken from the text TYPES OF SERMONS TOPICAL: Rule: * The theme is taken from the text * The Main Divisions and Sub-divisions are invented. Ex. Prayer I. Its Meaning II. Its necessity III. Its Method IV. Its results (By Aspects)
Examples of Topical Sermons Topic: Faith Text: Heb. 11:1 What is Faith Why is it needed How is it received What will it accomplish (By Aspects) Theme: The Gospel Text: Rom. 1:16 The Origin of the Gospel The Purpose of the Gospel The Power of the Gospel (By Aspects)
Examples of Topical Sermons The Disciplinary Value of Delay As seen in the case of Moses As seen in the case of Elijah As seen in the case of Paul (By Illustrations) The Influence of a Godly Mother Observe it in Moses Observe it in Samuel Observe it in Timothy (By Illustrations)
Examples of Topical Sermons Christian Tithing Explain it: What it means Prove it: Quote scriptures Illustrate it: Give examples Apply it: Urge hearers to adopt it (Order of Materials) The Husbandry of Christian Life The Sowing: Working for God The Cultivating: Prayer, Bible Study The Reaping: Blessing, Life eternal (By Analogy)
TYPES OF SERMONS 2. TEXTUAL: Rule: * The Theme and the Main Divisions are taken from the text * The Subdivisions are invented Ex: Theme: Three Duties of A Young Minister Text: 1 Tim. 4:13 Reading Exhorting Teaching
Examples of Textual Sermons 1 Tim 4:12 “Be thou an example to the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in Spirit, in faith, in purity” Theme: The Christian An Example Text: I Tim 4:12 An Example in Word An Example in Conduct An Example in Love (charity) An Example in Spirit An Example in Faith An Example in Purity
Examples of Textual Sermons Three Things to be Avoided Psalm 1:1 The Counsel of the Ungodly The Way of Sinners The Seat of the Scornful The Price of Nation’s Healing 2 Chron. 7:14 A Humbling of Self A Return to Prayer A Seeking after God A Turning from Sin
Examples of Textual Sermons Theme: The Son and the Father Text: Jn. 14:6-9 The Son is the Way to the Father v.6 The Son is the Revelation of the Father v. 7 The Son is one with the Father. V. 9 Theme: The Conditions for Answered Prayer Text: John 15:7 That we abide in Christ That Christ’s word abide in us