BA Art Extension Revision: Listening
LISTENING EXAM: ‘Title’ Duration: 1 hour Instructions to candidates: You must answer all questions You are going to hear a podcast, produced by xxxxxxxxxxxx, in which ……… This examination paper consists of 3 sections: Section (i) Listening for details: Listening and gap-filling 24% of total Section (ii) More details from the programme: Listening for specific information 20% of total Section (iii) Listening for ideas: Listening and summarising 56% of total
The participants in the podcast are: XXXXXXX (Info about this person) Notes: (Here you can read some info about particular terms or places mentioned.) YOU MUST READ THE QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU LISTEN. YOU WILL HEAR THE RECORDING 3 TIMES WITH 2 INTERVALS OF 5 MINUTES EACH.
All answers must be written on this examination paper. LS50013A/3 & LS50002A/1 - LISTENING Section (i) Listening for details: Listening and gap-filling (24 Marks) Fill in the missing words exactly as you hear them in this introduction to the programme (2 marks each): Person speaking: Blablablablabla blabla blablabla bla 1) _____________ bla blabla blabla bla. Blablabla blabla blabla 2) _____________ bla bla bla …
Section (ii) More details from the programme: Listening for specific information In this section you should listen for specific points and information and write short answers. (20 marks) 13) What the next questions are referring to: Question … ? ________________ (2 Marks) ________________________________ and _______________________ (4 Marks) What the next questions are referring to: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (8 Marks)
Section (iii) Listening for ideas: Listening and summarising. In this section you should listen and take notes on the MAIN points, and then summarise them in a short paragraph. The answers should be in full sentences and written in your own words. (56 Marks) 17) Question … ? (18 Marks) _____________________________________________________________________
How can you prepare? Practise, practise, practise! Listen to anything and reflect on what you have just heard; summarise the main points in your head or write them down. Revise what you have listened to over the past year. Check the answers on your handouts. Do the practice papers on the VLE. They have model answers and transcripts.
What else can you do? Develop a strategy: Read the instructions and the questions carefully. Follow the instructions! You hear the programme 3 times! 1. – Listen for gist. Take notes and understand what the podcast is about. 2. – Listen for more information, take more notes, fill in the gaps and answer the short questions. 3. – Listen for confirmation – check your answers. Organise your notes and answer the longer questions.
Frequently Asked Questions Q.: Can I use pencil in the written exams? A.: No, you must use pen – black or blue. Do not erase anything you have written. Clearly cross out what you do not want the examiner to read; this includes any notes and drafts.
Frequently Asked Questions Q.: Can I use dictionaries or notes during the exams? A.: No.
Please note: Exams are administered by the central Exams Office in the College. No pencil cases; only a clear plastic bag is allowed. The only drink allowed is bottled water in a clear bottle. Talking is perceived as cheating. Any talking will result in your paper being confiscated. You will have to leave the exam. You should arrive 15 minutes before the start. Bring your Goldsmiths student ID. Turn your mobiles off – not on silent/vibrate! You must leave bags, coats and mobile phones by the door.
FAQs Q.: When will I know my result? A.: The final examinations board meets in mid-June; A provisional pass list will be placed on the CELAW noticeboard in July. Students indebted to the university will not receive their results until all debts are paid (e.g. outstanding library books/library fines); You will be formally notified of your result by post at the beginning of August 2016.
Don’t be late! Remember: The recording will be played promptly, and you will not be allowed to enter the room while the recording is playing.