Chapter 2.1 “Hunters & Gatherers” Section 1: “Early Humans’ Way of Life” Early humans hunted animals & gathered food They had to follow animals and seasonal plants Men hunted and women gathered food and cared for children Early H/G were nomads that moved from place to place H/G began to migrate to distant lands Migrated to Americas across land bridge from Siberia to Alaska Groups mixed together at times (Good & bad) Benefits: knowledge & tools were shared Disadvantages: fights occurred
Section 2: “Development of Tools” Stone tools represent the first technology Over 2 million years ago, humans made tools Ex.) bags, axes, awls, & drills This technology gave more control over their environment 500,000 BC humans learned to make & control fire Fire provided light, heat, cooked food, & gave protection, They used fire to harden metal tools
Section 3: “Early Human Culture” Language developed as people needed to cooperate in hunting & gathering Religion is the worship of God, gods, or spirits Early humans painted pictures on cave walls Early cave art was made to honor the spirit of animals Cave art reflects the fact that animals were central to life Art also includes music, dance, & stories