Political and Economic Systems There is no America Political and Economic Systems
Pre-Colonial timeline Migrations began an estimated 30,000 years ago from Asia to Current day America Migration via a land bridge connecting Siberia to Alaska Largest influx in migration around 1200 years ago North American climate stabilizes around 10,000 years ago
Clovis Culture 9,200 BC Invention of grooved (fluted) stone projectiles The Clovis Point First discover around Clovis, New Mexico Later found across the Americas
Folsom Culture 8,900 BC Refined the Clovis Point to a smaller, thinner spear point First used a Atlatl, Spear throwing device Discovered near Folsom, New Mexico
Plainview Culture 8,500 BC (plano culture) Utilized a delicate non-fluted stone Hunted by mass-attack with intent to drive animals off cliffs Preserved Meat First to use grinding stones for meat and seeds Named for a site in Plainview Texas
Northwest Coast Indians 6,500 BC Southeast Alaska through Coastal California area Highly structured Caste family system Multifamily cedar plank homes Seafaring, canoe building, Skilled craft/woodworking
Adena Culture 500-200 BC Mound Builders Villages of post-and-wattle houses Farmed: corn, tobacco, squash, pumpkins, sunflowers Found in Ohio Region
Hohokam People 300-1300 AD First to grow and weave cotton, cultivated corn Built multistoried buildings (Pueblos) Constructed an impressive network of irrigation canals Built pyramids, first to master etching Arizona
Mogollon Culture 300-1100 AD Farmers Pit Houses, later Pueblos Famous for black & white painted pottery Found near Arizona/New Mexico Border
Anasazi 300-1300 AD Farmers, grew/wove cotton Well known for their basket weaving, skilled stone work Astronomers Developed a solar calendar Pit Houses then pueblo apartment structures Four Corners
Hopewell Culture 100-500 AD Hunter/ Gathers/ Farmers Dome shaped burial mounds Skilled in pottery, stonework, sculpture and metal work Ohio Valley