How to write an essay?
Prewriting stage Think carefully about what you are going to write Ask yourself: what questions am I going to answer in this paragraph? How can I best answer this question? What is the most important part of my answer? How can I make this paragraph/essay interesting?
Collect facts related to your paragraph or essay topic Make sure the facts are related to the essay topic. Use “Brainstorming”
Write down your own ideas Ask yourself: What else do I want to say about this topic? Why should people be interested in this topic?
Essay structure Introduction Body Paragraphs Conclusion
Introduction Find a quotation Give an example Start with the general and move to the specific--but not too general Give some background Explain an issue Offer a definition Ask a question Make a comparison. Tell a little story or anecdote related to your topic
Body Paragraphs Place the strongest argument last Move in chronological order Move from causes to effects Offer evidences (in every paragraph) Offer full explanation of how and why your evidence proves your point For every assertion you make, give proof and explanation Smooth transitions
Conclusion Summary No new information Use figurative language Use quotations
Editing steps - Grammar and spelling Check your spelling Check your grammar Read your essay again Make sure each sentence has a subject Make sure your subjects and verbs agree with each other Check the verb tense of each sentence Make sure that each sentence makes sense
Final Copy Add any footnotes or bibliography if required. Present a clean, neat copy. Submit on time.
Do’s and Don’ts
DO’s DO give yourself time. DO be honest. DO be descriptive DO take breaks DO have someone else review your work
DON’TS DON’T plagiarize. DON’T exceed the length limit. DON’T use clichés or overuse idioms. Don’t use first person pronouns ("I", "we," "me," "us," "my," and "our") Do not use short forms (don’t, I’m, it’s, etc) Don’t use slangs. DON’T completely stress out. (it’s not the end of the world)
Types of Essays Definition Essay Description Essay Compare and Contrast Essay Choice Essay Explanation Essay Evaluation Essay Classification Essay Admission Essay
Definition Essay Example question: Introduction: Write an essay defining energy resources and discuss the different types. Introduction: Define the key term energy resources. Supporting paragraphs: Define one type of energy resources: renewable resources. 2. Define another type of energy resources: non-renewable resources. Summary paragraph: Summarize energy resources.
Classification Essay Example question: Introduction: Write an essay discussing the two types of government in Kosova. Introduction: Give background information about government in Kosova. Supporting paragraphs: Define and describe central government. 2. Define and describe municipal governments. Summary paragraph: Summarize government in Kosova.
Description Essay Example question: Introduction: Write an essay describing the polar bear. Introduction: Introduce what a polar bear is. Supporting paragraphs: Describe where the polar bear lives. 2. Describe the body of the polar bear. 3. Describe what the polar eats. Summary paragraph: Summarize what a polar bear is.
Compare and Contrast Essay Example question: Write an essay comparing the weather in Vancouver and Halifax. Introduction: Introduce weather in the cities of Vancouver and Halifax. Supporting paragraphs: Compare weather in spring and summer for both cities. State how they are similar or different. 2. Compare weather in fall and winter for both cities. State how they are similar or different. Summary paragraph: Summarize the similarities and differences.
Choice Essay Example question: Introduction: Supporting paragraphs: Write an essay choosing between soccer in the 1980s and soccer today. Introduction: Introduce the game of soccer. Supporting paragraphs: Describe soccer in the 1980s. 2. Describe soccer today. 3. State which form of soccer you prefer and why. Summary paragraph: Summarize the game of soccer.
Explanation Essay Example question: Introduction: Write an essay explaining why so many Europeans moved to Canada during the early nineteenth century. Introduction: Give background information on European immigration during this time. Supporting paragraphs: Explain first reason: poor economy in Europe. 2. Explain second reason: better living conditions in Canada. Summary paragraph: Summarize main reasons.
Evaluation Essay Example question: Introduction: Write an essay evaluating the importance of the Kosovo’s General Assembly Introduction: Give your judgment on whether the General Assembly is important. Supporting paragraphs: Explain first criteria: meeting and reporting place for government. 2. Explain second criteria: represent the people of Kosova 3. Explain third criteria: make laws for Kosova. Summary paragraph: Conclude with an overall judgment about the General Assembly
Your assignment “Should journalism be censored” Write an essay, topic: 500-1000 words Font: Times New Roman Size: 12. Space: 1.5 To be submitted until: April 30, 2015