Who to contact for support and advice When you need confidential advice and information about NHS services and do not know who to talk to, contact Customer Services: Free phone 0800 917 2855 Minicom Text 0121 449 8352 Mobile 07540 702477 Email pals@bhamcommunity.nhs.uk Letter Customer Services Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust, Moseley Hall Hospital, Alcester Road, Moseley, Birmingham B13 8JL If you are unhappy with or concerned about any NHS Service, you can contact: Independent Complaints and Advocacy Services Tel: 0845 1203 748 or Parliamentary Health Service Ombudsman Tel: 0300 061 4000, or email phso.enquries@ombudsman.org.uk What to do if you are unhappy with our services. 0800 917 2855 Please contact us if you require a copy of this leaflet in audio, Braille or large print. Version/Ref: 1a/Complaints/140809
Will anything be different The process I am not satisfied, who do I tell? Please talk to the clinician or manager of the service you are not happy with. They will do what they can to resolve your concerns or complaint immediately. If you prefer to talk with someone else about your concerns, please contact our confidential Customer Services Department. We welcome your feedback in person, by phone, email, fax or by letter. If you make a complaint verbally, we will work to resolve this to your satisfaction within 24 hours. When we cannot resolve it in this way, you will be asked if you wish to formally complain and your details will be forwarded to the Complaints Department. Details of how to contact the Customer Services Department can be found on the back of this leaflet. What happens next? When the Complaints Department receives your complaint, you will be contacted to find out what your expectations are and how you see your complaint being resolved. The complaints process will be explained and if you are not the patient, arrangements will be made to gain the patient’s consent. Your complaint will be fully investigated and you will be kept informed of progress. When will I receive a response? We will respond to your complaint as quickly as possible and definitely within 6 months, and will contact you if we cannot achieve this. Will anything be different as a result of my complaint? Complaints offer us as an Organisation a real opportunity to learn from patient s and carers experience and improve services for other patients. We will share learning and any plans for service improvements for this Organisation that have been identified as a result of your complaint. The response you receive will include all this Information providing the information does not compromise the confidentiality of anyone involved. Where a Service Improvement Action Plan is developed you can also receive a copy if you want it. If you are still using the services you complained about, we promise that you will not be disadvantaged as a result of your complaint. We will also offer support to you through our Customer Service Department or through mediation if needed.