Latin Adjectives
Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Standards Addressed AS.01.02. Assess and select animal production methods for use in animal systems based upon their effectiveness and impacts. AS.01.02.01.a. Identify and categorize terms and methods related to animal production.
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Canine Dog Canis
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Feline Cat Felis
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Equine Horse Equus
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Bovine Cattle Bos
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Ovine Sheep Ovis
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Caprine Goat Capra
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Porcine Pig Sus
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Avian Bird Avis
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Murine Mouse Mus
Latin (Scientific) Adjectives Latin Derived Adjective Common Name Latin Murine Rat Rattus