Brazil in the World 8.514.876,599 km2
General Aspects Republic since 1889 Brazil is the biggest country in Latin America and covers almost the half of Latin American (47.3%) Shape of east contour is in conformity of the concave curve of West Africa; Brazil has its frontier with ten countries; The Atlantic Ocean extends for all its east coast. Republic since 1889
Numbers of Brazil 26 states + Capital Brasilia Population: 182,761,391 5,560 cities Money: Real 1 EU$ = 1 USD 26 states + Capital Brasilia Gross Domestic Product 1.372 million (2002) Brazil has 8,000 km of Atlantic Ocean Coast
Brazil’s agriculture will grow 13% in 2013* Coffee Sugar-cane Soybean Cotton Peanuts Encarta 99 *Source: VEJA, February
Sugar-Cane Brasil is the greatest producer of sugar-cane in the world. Mainly products: Sugar Alcohol: Flammable; Beverages; Chemical sectors; Druggists; Cleaning products Generation of energy
Mercosul South Common Market Since 1991 Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay. Bolivia and Chile are not members, only participants.
ALCA - America Free Trade Area Projected to be established in 2005 All countries of Americas (except Cuba) and Caribbean Only economy interested Agribusiness is the most difficult issue
Main Commercial Partners United States Germany Argentina China Japan Netherlands French United Kingdom
Exportations Importations Steel derived products Mineral products Transport equipments Minerals Footwear Fabrics Coffee Soybean Meats Mineral products Petroleum Machinery Appliances Chemical products
The metropolitan region of São Paulo has 16.7% of unemployed The metropolitan region of São Paulo has 1.66 million unemployment people, within the Economic Active. Sectors Economic Active People 53% Commerce and services 23% Agriculture and fishing 21% Industry 3% Other occupations Source: INVERTIA
Huge, but poor Brazil used to be 8th biggest economy in the 70´s, today is still the 14th, but is the one of the biggest in the difference between rich and poor. About 50 million people live with less than 1 US$ a day.
The difference between poor and rich decreases* The gap between the 40% poorest and the 10% richest has diminished, now its only 17 times. The richest earns 9.4% less and the poorest 3% less. *Source: VEJA, February
Education One of the main reasons of the critical unequal situation is the poor level of education. Only 9% of the people between 18 and 24 years old is in the University, and about 18% of all, is illiterate.
The Favela (slum) of Rocinha is located in the neighborhoods of Gavea and Sao Conrado in Rio de Janeiro. This is the largest favela in Latin America, with over 200,000 inhabitants living in an area of less 743 square meters
The Brazilian Landless Workers Movement is the largest social movement in Latin America and one of the most successful grassroots movements in the world.
The expectative is to settle about 115 thousand families this year. There is about 4 million families landless Large estate owners (2.8%) owns about 56.7% of Brazil’s lands
Environment Brazil has the biggest rain forest in the world, Amazonia. However, international wood sellers and cattle raising, have been devastating a total unique place like that, with unknown amount of undiscovered nature. 2000 1960