AP World History Mrs. Bradley Ch 19 Early Latin America AP World History Mrs. Bradley
Iberian Peninsula vs New Spain Where are Portugal’s colonies? East Indies, West Africa, Brazil Where are Spain’s colonies? Calif/Mexico, west coast of So America What accounts for the differences? In what ways do the colonies resemble the European homeland? Religion, urban mentality, military ethic, nobility (control of land & people), slaver, church/state relationship 5) In what ways are they different? Build cities from scratch. European cities built up over years – slowly over time. Cities laid out in grids – ability to plan. http://www.johomaps.com/world/worldblank_bw.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Central_and_Western_Europe_blank_map.svg
Colonialism Encomienda System: grants from Spanish crown that gave natives to Europeans; Europeans were responsible for the natives, were to Christianize them, and could use them as forced labor 1.) Don’t be confused – a hacienda is the land and manor; Encomiendas = power to use the people as labor This is the beginning of plantation system 2) The problem is that the Europeans that came over were from the middle to lower class. Now in the encomnienda system, they become the “new” nobility. However, they always yearn for home where there is culture, entertainment, food, etc. But when they go back to visit as nobility, they are not recognized as such. They are looked down upon and are resented. Therefore, the kings put an end to this system. 2) What does this system remind you of? feudalism 3.) How is religion used in this system? Christianity is used in this system. They believe Christianity is the far superior religion over native religions. What does Christianity say about slavery? They use it as a justification to enslave the natives http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ilKQHtxEDfM/USvbS-94r0I/AAAAAAAABFo/-tcolhts4fk/s1600/encomienda.jpg
Morality of Conquest Bartolome de Las Casas Former conquistardo turned Christian Aristotle’s definition of the “barbarian” and the natural slave did not apply to the Indians, who were fully capable of reason and should be brought to Christianity without force or coercion Juan Gines de Sepulveda Once a conquistador always a conquistador “Those whose condition is such that their function is the use of their bodies and nothing better can be expected of them, those, I say, are slaves of nature. It is better for them to be ruled thus.” The natives are as “children to parents, as women are to men, as cruel people are from mild people.” 1.) What are their arguments? 2.) What do they use to justify their claims? 3.) Who do most people seem to agree with?
Labor Fundamental Goal for Europeans: mnke money Gold and silver Agriculture Cash Crops (sugar cane, tobacco, cotton) 1.) What are cash crops? Highly valuable, highly desirable, not easily available in all parts of the world, not something you can consume for survival 2.) What happens to prices when other countries get involved? They increase more goods, which makes prices go down, not as much money being made http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MXSVr88PBis/UpkqMFyMXdI/AAAAAAAAOmk/PVYoNhhLVOg/s1600/es_20071227_1_5049445_captured.jpg
Outcomes of Labor Formation of “castas” Power Players: The top of the pyramid Peninsulares: people from the Iberian Peninsula, mostly men (85% from Spain!), made up the smallest and most powerful group Creoles: people of full European descent born in the New World also had wealth and power 1.) Castas: categorizing racial origins – putting people in categories based solely upon race.
Multicultural Societies New groups emerged in colonized lands. Few European women lived in the New World mixed marriages and sexual exploitation were common. Europeans - conquerors and migrants Indians - conquered, indigenous peoples Africans – slaves Peninsulares: Colonists born in Europe Creoles: Colonists born in Americas of European parents Mestizos: European + indigenous Mulattos: European + African Zambos: indigenous + African
Sociedad de castas Peninsulares Europeans Creole Europeans Mestizos Mulattos Indians Zambos Free Africans (Negros) Slaves 1.) Natives make bad slaves. They are hunter/gatherers not farmers. They don’t know how to use the farming implements. They aren’t resistant to disease. They know the territory so it makes it easier for them to run away. 2.) Africans become enticing to Europeans because they are resistant to disease, come from agrarian societies, don’t know the terrain. 3.) The first four levels all about skin tone. Further down, based upon usefulness 4.) Creole: European born in Colonies 5.) Mulatttoes: European and African 6.) Mestizoes: European and Native American 7.) Zambos: African and Native American
Controlling the New Spanish Empire Spanish kings established two viceroyalties (areas under the control of viceroys) Mexico aka New Spain Capital city Tenochtitlan became Mexico City Peru aka New Castille Brand new capital city Lima, located on the coast for convenience
New Spanish Empire, cont. Viceroys were reviewed by courts called audiencias to keep them from becoming too powerful Viceroys ruled in the name of the king Audiencias ensured the Viceroy remained loyal to the king Transportation and communication were difficult and so governing usually fell to local audiencias All over Spanish America big cities and large estates grew