Pruden Global Business Solutions Consulting, LLC (PGBSC)
OBJECTIVES After this session you will be able to identify elements of the employment process that : Impact a candidate’s decision to move forward or abandon the process Should be audited for effectiveness in facilitating a candidate’s move forward in the process After this session you will be able to employ various recommendations to increase candidate retention in the employment recruitment process
The research Seeking professional employment Data collected in 2015 Participants, within 12 months of the study Accepted an employment offer Withdrew from an employment recruitment process Seeking professional employment Data collected in 2015
THE FORECAST There will not be enough qualified candidates to fill vacant positions over the next 10 years, as projected by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (Employment Projections , 2013).
Why do you care? Baby Boomers are exiting the workforce Employers are recruiting from the same pool of applicants College graduates have the recent skills and knowledge Talent Acquisition and Recruiting budgets are shrinking
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ELEMENTS OF THE PROCESS Application Interview Offer What critical steps are missing prior to offer?
ELEMENTS OF THE PROCESS Application Interview Offer What critical steps are missing prior to offer? Candidate Communication Between Steps Application Acknowledgement Communication of candidate movement forward
SUMMARY OF Research Questions How do participants describe their experiences regarding the method of employment application during the employment recruitment process? What are the lived experiences of participants regarding the interview process during the employment recruitment process? What lived experiences did participants describe as influencing their decision to voluntarily withdraw from the employment recruitment process? What lived experiences influenced participants decision to follow through the entire employment recruitment process to job offer acceptance?
Themes From Data Emergent Theme 1: Interview Process
Discomfort during the Interview Process Themes From Data Emergent Theme 2: Discomfort during the Interview Process
Comfort during the Interview Process Themes From Data Emergent Theme 3: Comfort during the Interview Process
Themes From Data Emergent Theme 4: Job Details
Person-environment fit Themes From Data Emergent Theme 5: Person-environment fit
Limitations of the study Candidates must have withdrawn and accepted Versus withdrawn or accepted English speaking participants only Data gathered within a 6 week period Open to new professional hires versus all hires
Recommendations Employer Recommendations Acknowledge application within 1 week Inform candidate immediately of movement to next step Audit every step of your process on a regular basis Solicit feedback from all candidates
conclusion Participants Seek Information Interviewers made participants feel comfortable Decision to withdraw made during interview Employers have control to minimize risk of candidate withdrawl
References Employment Projections 2012-2022. (2013) Washington D. C.: Bureau of Labor Statistics: U.S. Department of Labor.