House Hunt 2009 Mr. L
Financial Estimator Down Payment: $50,000 Monthly College Loans: $0 Mortgage Payment: $836 Taxes: $412 Monthly House Payment: $1,248 House Payment is 48% of my monthly income of $2,506
Milford, Michigan Population: 6,272 Founded in 1830, the village of Milford has a great downtown shopping area and it features a brand new high school. GM proving grounds and the Belle river and Mill pond are fishing and boating attractions
Milford, MI
House Description Year Built Architecture Approx. Sq Ft 3 Bedrooms 2001 Architecture 1 1/2 Story Approx. Sq Ft 2,477 2 Car, Attached, Door Opener 3 Bedrooms Kitchen with Dinning area 2 ½ Bathrooms .25 Acres Library room Breakfast Nook Deck, Outside lights, sprinkler system Gas fireplace Golf course and pond views
Information on the house …. MLS # Taxes Mortgage and realtor questions
Living Room 2 IKEA side tables: $16.00 TV Stand: $339 Sofa: $800 I2 IKEA Lamps: