Preparing Your High School Students for Community College UC offers space to every transfer-eligible California Community College student. 8 out of every 10 California Community College transfer applicants are qualified and admitted to UC. 90% of admitted transfer students to UC come through the California Community College system. 1/3 of UC bachelors degrees are awarded to transfer students. California Community College transfer students account for 48% of UC bachelor’s degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Average UC GPA at Graduation 3.35 (Students entered as Transfer) 3.4 (Students entered as Freshmen)
Preparing Your High School Students for Community College Yvette Flores School University Partnerships, University of California, Berkeley Joe McDevitt Admissions and Outreach, West Valley Community College Omar Ramirez Transfer Admissions Specialist, University of California, Berkeley
This Presentation Will Discuss … 1.Acronyms and Mandates! What are the new AA -Ts and the AS-Ts? What are Mandated Requirements (Matriculation, Orientation, Ed Plans)? How will these help (hinder?) my students? 2.What activities or best practices can counselors implement to explain community college to high school students and assist with the transition to community college? 3.What do four-year universities look for in Transfer Students? What is the difference in preparing for admission as a Transfer student versus a Freshman student? 4. What is the best advice you can offer high school students on the benefits of community college and on planning to transfer to a 4-year university? 5. What types of resources and materials are available to counselors? 2nd session includes a presentation on transferring from CCC to private colleges
Acronyms and Mandates! What are the new AA -Ts and the AS-Ts? New Degrees - AS-T & AA-T Simple Math - 60 + 60 = 120 Partnership CCC & CSU Increase transfer rates Spring 2013 Preference in review at UC Joe starts then Omar on UC admissions perspective.
What are Mandated Requirements (Matriculation, Orientation, Ed Plans) What are Mandated Requirements (Matriculation, Orientation, Ed Plans)? How will these help/hinder my students? State Mandates to 112 Community Colleges Students: Get in, Get out Required: Orientation Assessment - universal tests! Priority Registration versus Early Registration Too many units? Loose privileges & $$ Joe starts. Ask about timeline for Universal Tests? How are AP exams used? Ask does all this help by giving a clearer framework, or hinder by seeming overwhelming?
What activities or best practices can counselors implement to explain community college to high school students & assist with the transition to college? Start early -- include CCC and transfer information in general college-going presentations starting 9th grade to ensure awareness of transfer opportunities, academic expectations, and requirements Provide workshops on transfer to students and parents Individual or small group advising is recommended for first generation students to provide appropriate guidance and encouragement to prepare for transfer success Yvette starts. Ask Omar to speak on importance of using CCC to prepare for major, not just GEs.
What activities or best practices can counselors implement to explain community college to high school students & assist with the transition to college? Partner with Transfer Admissions Representatives from 4-year universities, CCC Outreach Departments, and alumni who successfully transfer, to provide information sessions for students and parents Partner with community colleges to provide tours, information on student support programs (EOPS, Puente, etc.),assessments, orientation, early registration events for CCC bound 12th graders. Help students with the matriculation process and provide them with an understanding of the timeline and how to use ASSIST Yvette starts. Bring in Omar on importance of Puente and similar support programs for successful transfer.
What do four-year universities look for in Transfer Students What do four-year universities look for in Transfer Students? What is the difference in preparing for admission as a Transfer Student Versus as a Freshman Student? Minimum eligibility requirements for transfer: - 60 transferable units - 2.4 college GPA for UC/2.0 college GPA for CSU - General Education - Eligibility vs. Selection Transfer applicants should complete: - Lower-division major preparation courses Omar starts. Ask, what is given more emphasis - preparation for major or overall GPA? How do you encourage HS students to look forward and understand that they need to plan for transfer to a defined major at a specific college?
What do four-year universities look for in Transfer Students What do four-year universities look for in Transfer Students? What is the difference in preparing for admission as a Transfer Student Versus as a Freshman Student? Comprehensive review factors (Eligibility versus Selection) Transfer Difference - Junior level - Academic Preparation - Extracurricular Activities Omar starts. Ask Joe about challenge of getting CCC students involved in Extracurricular Activities. Ask Omar about importance of recent Eas, not just HS.
Community College is College! What is the best advice you can offer high school students on the benefits of community college and on planning to transfer to a 4-year university? Community College is College! Improve college readiness: do well in your courses throughout high school Take math all four years in high school Take advantage of early assessments (EAP used by 35 CCCs) Take advantage of community college summer sessions following high school graduation Identify an educational goal early
What is the best advice you can offer high school students on the benefits of community college and on planning to transfer to a 4-year university? Research your CCC options - Not all CCCs offer the same programs or opportunities - Some CCCᾼ offer more transferrable courses in a major(s). - Find a good fit! Enroll in CCC on time and go full time!!!!! - Enroll continuously every semester. Do not drop out! - Get support with your academics and transfer planning. Work with a counselor, join a support program and/or sign up to participate in a UC transfer preparation program.
What types of resources and materials are available to counselors? ASSIST: California Community Colleges Application Information : UC Counselors Resource Website: www.universityofcalifornia. edu/educators/counselors\ CCC Counselors Resource Website: CSU Transfer Information: UC Online Transfer Admission Planner: CCCs Accepting EAP Results: