Santa Ana College School of Continuing Education Winter Convocation
Goal of Meeting Hear Vision for Adult Education in Santa Ana from our President Dr. Linda Rose Understand the Strategic Direction for Adult Education Learn about the professional development activities taking place this week Get the latest update from cefa
How are we doing? The Good SAC-SCE operates the most efficient academic program in the district State leader in student outcomes State leader in learning gains Continuous improvement in course completion rates
How are we doing? The challenge Declining enrolment in core programs Student outcomes are not where we would like them to be Significant unmet community need for our services 38% of our students pass their course in a term 15 % of our students meet student success educational outcomes within 6 years Students stop out during their 1st year
Three year data
Persistence rates
What is a FTES and why do they keep talking about it?
Who are our students and what do they want 25% SAC-SCE students have a 6th grade or less education and 10% hold a college degree 60% SAC-SCE students report an annual household income of less than $20,000 45% SAC-SCE students do not work The largest goal for our students is complete their high school diploma/ GED - 40% Nearly 50% are interested in college credit or vocational training Over 80% of students want to learn computers
The Santa Ana community needs us Educational attainment is significantly lower for Santa Ana than for California overall 29% of Households are linguistically isolated, meaning that no one in these households age 14 and over speaks English proficiently 11% of adults have earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with 30% statewide 49% of adults have not completed high school, compared with 20% in California Source: American Community Survey 2005-09, California State Library by Stanford Center on Longevity 9/14/2011
SAC-SCE Strategic Enrollment Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) Analysis
Strategies for SAC-SCE Enrollment Growth and Improved Student Success Santa Ana College Adult Education Center – focused on meeting students’ educational needs and helping them transition from adult education to VESL, ABE, high school, CTE, or into college credit programs that lead to more employment opportunities New Adult Education Center - meet an identified community need for English as Second Language, High School Diploma, High School Equivalency Preparation, Adult Basic Education and Career and Technical Education courses Increased community outreach - SAC-SCE needs to expand its outreach and community partnerships in order to increase FTEs production Redesigning Academic pathways – there is a need for an accelerated ESL pathway, increased emphasis on the High School Diploma program and a strong need for expanded noncredit career and technical education programs
Strategic Plan Area Goals and Objectives Strategic Plan Area I: Student Achievement Broad Goals Measurable Objectives Strategies for Action Course offerings should facilitate pathways towards certificate, diploma, and transfer and employment outcomes. Promote accelerated pathways. Maximize the use of all instructional delivery methods. Meet Changing Demographic Community Need Produce class schedules that are aligned with students’ educational plans and student demand. Produce class schedules that are planned annually that promote a student’s ability to accelerate their educational attainment Produce class schedules that allow students to complete educational pathways through delivery options that incorporate entirely online and blended learning options. Expand noncredit offering that respond to high areas of need in the community. Low-enrolled classes not on a critical path to completion will be carefully evaluated. Additional CORE classes may be added to meet high student demand based on existing data (high wait list, assessment of student plans, etc.). Trend data analysis and projections will be utilized including reliable historical data. A student is always able to progress towards their educational goals without the delay of not getting the class that they need. Properly plan registration processes. Redesign curriculum that eliminates redundancy and promotes improved student success. Create online and blended learning Adult Education courses. Develop online and blended Adult Education certificate programs. Re-establish Older Adult program
Strategic Plan Area 2: Enrollment planning is data driven to maximize efficient use of resources and guide facility development Broad Goals Measurable Objectives Strategies for Action Improve efficiency and productivity. Meet community Adult Education needs. Accurately project enrollment targets and budget. Produce class schedules that maximize faculty resources by controlling the cost per FTES and maximizing WSCH/FTEF . Maximize use of current physical resources and expand facility locations based upon need. SAC-SCE will meet its annual enrollment target within its allocated instructional budget. Fully utilize available data in the Enrollment Management Tool and reports produced by the Registrar to evaluate efficiency. Fully utilize available data in facility usage reports to maximize utilization. Create new educational centers to respond to community needs. Enrollment targets will be established by departments annually and the appropriate budget will be allocated to meet these targets.
Strategic Plan Area 3: Student Recruitment and Retention Broad Goals Measurable Objectives Strategies for Action Maximize the number of students in service area that attend SAC-SCE. Increase retention of students. Increase unduplicated headcount by 3%. SAC will establish marketing and outreach campaigns to attract new students. Increase number of students with 12 or more hours of attendance. Activate a comprehensive outreach initiative. Marketing campaigns will be initiated in association with the SAC Marketing Plan. Outreach to students who register but do not attend or that have less than 12 hours of attendance.
Conclusion SAC-SCE needs to continually improve its instructional programs and the student services that it offers Sac-sce needs to expand its faculties and offerings in the community ensuring that offerings are aligned with community need Sac-sce needs to ensure that our students have well planned educational objectives and that they meet their goals Sac-sce needs to always promote a customer service attitude that values each student individually