SIS MASTER PLAN TRAINING Los Angeles Unified School District Planning, Assessment, and Research Student Information Systems Branch SIS MASTER PLAN TRAINING Ginger Whitmore - SIS Grace Pang Bovy – SIB Eva Garcia – SIB (213)241-4617 FAX (213)241-8498
Master Plan Survey Count Day: February 29 Due: March 4 Purpose: The Master Plan Program Survey collects program and staff information of the English Learners of the District The number of ELs reported on this survey will be used for the 2008-2009 budget allocations Count Day: February 29 Due: March 4
Student Data
SCREEN 5 – Entering Initial CELDT Information For ALL Verbal Students Initially Tested: English Prof. Test (Field 91): CELDT English Test Date (Field 151): mm/dd/yy Interim Language Classification (Field 162): Type LEP or IFEP Program Placement—EI, SI, WB, DS, DK, etc. For Low-Verbal/Non-Verbal Students: See BUL-3778 or call Eva Garcia.
SCREEN 5 – Entering Waiver/Dual Information
HANDS ON Screen 30, Option 1 : GOT-CELDT
SCREEN 6 – ELD INFORMATION ELEM SIS SCREEN 6 – ELD INFORMATION All ELs, including interim ELs, must have an ELD level: Screen 6 – ELD Information Initial ELD Level (Field 808) Initial ELD Grade (Field 809) Date (Field 810): mm/dd/yy
HANDS ON Screen 30, Option 3 : EL-CLEANUP
You should have NO students on this list!
No Primary Language
Primary Language Assessment All K-5/6 ELs must be assessed in their primary language within 45 calendar days of enrollment. TEST NOW P/LAS-Español for Kindergarten Spanish speakers LAS-Español for Spanish speakers in grades 1-5/6 (Results are downloaded next day.) BINL for K-5/6 ELs with 27 BINL languages (Results are downloaded within 10 days.) Informal Assessment of Home Language Literacy for K-5/6 ELs with all other home languages (Assessment date is entered in Screen 5, Field 148 by schools.) OC for Low Verbal/Non-Verbal ELs: see BUL-3778. HANDS ON
HANDS ON no primary language assessment
Master Plan Roster Screen 14, option 15 Missing Language Classification & Home Language Verify Data for all English Learners (ELS)
Teacher Data
Teacher-in-Training Effective July 1, 2005, only teachers with evidence of enrollment in the Certificate of Completion of Staff Development training and have a signed Teacher-in-Training Certification Agreement (MEM-2049.1, Attachment C) on file at the school site can be designated as a Teacher-in-Training. Schools may enter a “3” in Screen 16, Option 2A, field 21 for the designated teacher-in-training. This is the ONLY situation where the school can enter an EL authorization goal in SIS.
SIS Screen 16, option 2A Teacher Information ELEM SIS SIS Screen 16, option 2A Teacher Information Information downloaded to ESIS. Information entered onto ESIS at school site.
SIS Screen 16, option 2A Teacher Information ELEM SIS SIS Screen 16, option 2A Teacher Information 3
HANDS ON No EL Authorization :E :PON16 :SORT XXXX-TCHR WITH NO 10 At the Main Menu type :E :PON16 :SORT XXXX-TCHR WITH NO 10 AND WITH NO 12 AND WITH NO 13 BY NAME NAME 10 12 13 21 (N) HANDS ON
Non-Register Carrying Personnel
Non-register carrying personnel with EL authorization ELEM SIS MERCIA, DEE 3
Out-of-classroom certificated personnel without state authorization OR without a goal will NOT receive a final form for the Master Plan Survey. Administrators without state authorization will NOT receive a final form.
Paraprofessional Data
* * ENTER/UPDATE PARAPROFESSIONAL INFORMATION * * 0 EMPLOYEE # : 688449 1 NAME : PANTAS, MARLENA 3 CLASS CODE : 0953 4 SUPPORT LANG : 60 SPANISH 5 TRACK : 8 YEARS EXP. : LI ROOM NO DAILY HOURS -- --------------- --------------------- 1 10A 3.0 2 31 3.0 Screen 16, option 10 Instructional Staff - Bilingual Paraprofessionals / Other Primary Language Support Enter information on Screen 16, option 10. • type employee # in field 0 (For bilingual volunteers enter OPLS + 2 digit number for employee number) • the employee name and class code appear automatically • enter support language(s) in field 4 • enter track, if applicable • enter the EXACT room number and hours (you may add additional rooms)
HANDS ON Paraprofessionals :E :PON16 :SORT XXXX-TA BY NAME NAME At the Main Menu type :E :PON16 :SORT XXXX-TA BY NAME NAME 4 10 11 12 DBL-SPC (N) HANDS ON
RUN TEST RUNS AS OFTEN AS NEEDED check for error messages
Screen 20, option 3 *** MASTER PLAN SURVEY MENU *** ---------------------------------------- 1. MASTER PLAN SURVEY FORM 20 2. MASTER PLAN SURVEY FORM 21 3. MASTER PLAN SURVEY FORM 24 4. MASTER PLAN SURVEY FORM 25 5. MASTER PLAN SURVEY FORM 27
Principal’s Verification of EL count - will not print until March 3. Form 24 Principal’s Verification of EL count - will not print until March 3.
Bilingual Paraprofessional counts 2005-2006 Form 25 IFEP RFEP RFEP (between 12/01/06 and 2/29/08) Bilingual Paraprofessional counts
Survey Print Day is March 3 When you print your Survey: From Screen 20, print the Final Master Plan Survey (Option 3, selections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). Submit the final survey certified by your Principal to your collection site on March 4.
Master Plan Survey - Final Form 20/21 Master Plan Survey - Final Form 24 Form 25 Form 27
Data Captured: February 29 SNOR Survey Purpose: Funds are provided by the California Dept. of Education to provide educational services to immigrant students SNOR / aka EIEP Survey Data Captured: February 29
Survey Timeline HANDS ON Before Count Day: Print the SNOR-Cleanup Roster (Screen 30, option 2) Verify / add student information for students appearing on this list. Rerun SNOR-Cleanup (after corrections, the report will be blank.) HANDS ON
SNOR Survey Screen 20, opt. 14
Support Resources
Elementary Student Information System Monday –Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (213)241-4617 Fax (213)241-8498
Survey Assistance Survey Questions SIB (213) 241-2450 fax (213) 241-8968 Low-Verbal/Non-Verbal Eva Garcia, SIB (213) 241-2450 fax (213) 241-8969 Master Plan Programs Local District EL Program Staff EL Authorizations Credentials & Contract (213) 241-6520 Services Unit