Cypress Creek Cross Country Coach Hoffman – (813)546-1656 Coach Passardi – (813)417-9341
-Teams of 7 runners race to complete a 5 Kilometer (3 -Teams of 7 runners race to complete a 5 Kilometer (3.1 mile) course on varying terrain the fastest. -Runners compete individually and as a team. -In team scoring, the runners score points that equal the place they finish in the race (ex. 16th place = 16 points). -The teams top 5 runners scores are added together, the team with the lowest score wins. In the event of a tie, the 6th runners place determines team placing. **Although runners 6 and 7 do not contribute to team points, they can play an important role in “displacing” individuals from other teams. ** In Florida the top 15 individuals move on from Districts to Regionals, then Regionals to States, along with the top 4 teams from Districts and top 6 from Regionals. CCHS is classified as 2A district 7, Region 2. What is Cross Country?
Program Vision Statement Cross-country is a team sport that is based on individual effort. A team is only as strong as the individuals that comprise it. On this team you will be coached as individuals in an effort to make the team as successful as possible. A commitment to team excellence on your behalf, will lead to individual success. To help develop student-athletes who are committed to excellence. Program Vision Statement
Athletic Fees and Paperwork Athletic fees for your first sport for the year are $60, $40 for your second. $100 is the maximum fees charged yearly, with a family maximum of $160. All required paperwork must be completed prior to participation in school practices and conditioning. Packets can be picked up in the front office, from your coaches, and printed from the school website. There is also a required concussion course to be completed online. Athletic Fees and Paperwork
Equipment Good running sneakers for practice Flats or spikes for races (avoid plastic forefoot) Watch (chronograph or GPS) Light clothing Towel Water bottle Equipment
Summer Training Championship teams are made in the summer! Get in as many miles as possible without getting hurt and stick with the plan! Get used to the heat by doing things outside and drinking LOTS OF WATER Run on grass or dirt whenever possible Find some hills to run whether its around here or somewhere you go on vacation You should be able to run for 30 minutes E (easy) by July 1st Summer Training
Summer conditioning – Paperwork must be complete prior to attending. Run with teammates whenever you can Communicate with your coach! Log your miles, times and workouts . Summer Training
Approach each day with an excitement and enthusiasm uncommon amongst high school student-athletes Work hard and do your best every day Act in a selfless manner- always consider the effect of your actions on others Be present- focus on how you can maximize the moment you find yourself in Be grateful- you will have a tremendous amount of support Represent- everything you do, good or otherwise, will reflect on the program Enjoy the process- have fun. You can only be on a team like this for a small window of time. Communication- take responsibility for yourself BELIEVE- In yourself and in your teammates Program Expectations
You must text your COACH if you will not be at practice and have a valid reason why. 5 missed practices will lead to dismissal from the team. We will have practice every day after school with MANDATORY study hall until 2:30. Practice will begin at 2:35 sharp. Meets are early Saturday mornings, you must ride the bus to and from the meets with the team, unless arranged ahead of time (if a bus is provided). Program Expectations
We are looking for 2 reliable individuals to be team managers We are looking for 2 reliable individuals to be team managers. Their responsibilities would include helping with timing during workouts, getting water, ice, foam rollers, etc. for the team, and any other duties to help practice run safely and efficiently. Also, to help with race day duties. Parents – We are looking for individuals interested in helping out on race days to provide and set up snacks and drinks for the runners. Team Support
Information adapted from Saratoga High School, NY Athletics and XC References Information adapted from Saratoga High School, NY Athletics and XC