Student involvement & living on campus Allison Avolio, Director of Residence Life Britt House, Student Life Coordinator - Muskingum University
Top 10 Reasons to Live On Campus Research shows that the first 6 weeks of a college undergraduate’s career are the most influential and most crucial to their success as a student. Living on campus and/or getting involved with the campus community are both strength indicators of what aids successful student transition. Here are ten reasons why we feel you should strongly consider living on campus!
PEOPLE Easier to make friends more quickly because you are constantly around other people. Resident Assistants in every residence hall are trained to help connect people and provide a safe, healthy environment for people to interact. You are only in the classroom for a few hours out of the day – the rest of the day is spent in residence halls or in other campus buildings. Building relationships with students, faculty, staff, mentors, etc. can be easier when they are accessible after school hours.
CLOSE TO CLASS Huge advantage to be close to class – no fighting over parking spaces, taking your time to get ready in the morning, etc. can save your money and time! Can multitask as well (planning your meals and activities in between classes). Also living on campus can put you closer to other facilities (rec centers, dining halls, library, etc).
ORGANIZATIONS Easy to find a club or organization to get involved with – if not, then you can create one! Attending meetings and socials. Most campuses host “Activities Fairs” where all organizations have representatives with information and sign up opportunities. Pay attention to advertising and emails about the happenings on campus!
INDEPENDENCE Getting to live on your own, away from family influences and norms. Can be scary but can be liberating as well. Learning how to live and grow on your own – allows you to discover who you are. Might make mistakes but you will be treated as an adult and expected to act as such. You will be expected to do things for yourself, without the help and guidance of Mom/Dad on a daily basis.
STUDYING MADE EASY Study groups held all over campus – all hours of the day/night. Access to libraries, tutoring, writing centers, copiers, printers, computer labs, etc.
ROOMMATES Having a roommate is vital to the college experience! Expand your mind! Learning to set aside differences and cooperate with others. All colleges/universities are different in how they handle housing assignments and roommate matching – make sure to ask those questions in your application process! Unacceptable reasons to ask for a new roommate: “I don’t like what they look like” or “they are from the city and I am from the country” or “I don’t like what they wrote on their Facebook profile” or “they don’t like the same things I do”. There are staff members on campus trained to help mediate roommate conflicts and work with you to find the best result if there should be problems.
CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EVERYTHING YOU NEED Most colleges are built within walking distance of locations you need/want. Even if you don’t have a car, you won’t be left with nothing. Student Activities held on campus, on campus dining locations, grocery stores, coffee shops, recreation centers, etc.
RESOURCES With college staff constantly on campus, you always have someone to talk to! On Call Professional Staff, Resident Assistants, Counseling Center Staff, Health Center, Career Services, etc. You’ll be more motivated to visit these offices if you are within walking distance!
SAFETY Campus Police are on duty on college campuses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so you can feel safe. Campuses are also equipped with emergency stations where you can press a button and someone will respond to your location. Always staff available at any time regardless of the problem. Professional staff members live in the halls in addition to the student staff to better assist in emergencies as well.
TEAM SPIRIT Most students who live on campus attend events (athletics, theater, talent shows, etc) and feel connected! If you live on campus it is sometimes easier to “feel a part of things” on campus and get involved and in turn, find a level of institutional pride. Team spirit is usually rewarded as well – contests, giveaways, free stuff – all happen after class in locations after hours when most have to leave campus.
Take advantage of living on campus – it is a valuable learning experience! But if finances, family commitments, additional jobs, may prevent you from having that experience, doesn’t mean that your commuter student status would be any less important ! Even if you don’t live on campus, you can still get involved! Find things that appeal to your career path or your interests and make time for them. Make connections in your classes and even in the parking lots! Questions? Ask anyone from the institution you are looking at about the different housing options and level of involvement that the average student takes on. Feel free to contact us too! We can talk Muskingum or generally. Allison Avolio, 740-826-8099 Britt House, 740-826-8097