Chapter 12 Politics of the Roaring Twenties Section 1 - Americans Struggle with Postwar Issues Life for returning soldiers Postwar Trends Nativism- Isolationism- Fear of Communism Communism The Red Scare
Fear of Communism (cont.) The Palmer Raids Hunt for Communists, Socialists, and Anarchists J. Edgar Hoover Palmer’s motives Sacco and Vanzetti Circumstances- Execution
Limiting Immigration Arguments of Nativists The Klan Rises Again Beliefs and Goals The Quota System Emergency Quota Act of 1921 Success
A Time of Labor Unrest Why were there so many strikes after WWI? The Boston Police Strike Causes Coolidge The Steel Mill Strike The Coal Miner’s Strike John L. Lewis
Section 2 The Harding Presidency Harding's Struggle for Peace Charles Evans Hughes and Washington Naval Conference Kellogg-Briand Pact of 1928 High Tariffs and Reparations Fordney-McCumber Tariff Dawes Plan Charles Evans Hughes
Scandal Hits Harding’s Administration Harding’s Cabinet Members Members Ohio Gang Teapot Dome Scandal Albert B Fall and Oil Scandal Harding Dies, Coolidge takes over
Section 3 The Business of America American Industries Flourish Calvin Coolidge The Impact of the Automobile New Business Changes to landscape and houses Urban Sprawl- Calvin Coolidge
The Young Airplane Industry Uses Transatlantic flight Electrical Conveniences Alternating electrical current Appliances The Dawn of Modern Advertising Studies
A Superficial Prosperity Producing Great Quantities of Goods Mergers Income Gap Some industries suffer Buying Goods on Credit Installment Plans Problems with credit