Do Now -Clear your desk of all but your ISN. -Title ISN p 119, Phases of the Moon -On ISN p. 118, answer this question “If you were 100 pounds on Earth, you would be only 18 pounds on the moon. Why?” -Take out your moon phase calendar
Agenda Do Now Moon Phase Calendar Moon Phase Demonstrations PowerPoint and Notes on Phases of the Moon Stations
Movements of the Moon The moon rotates once every 29.5 Earth days and revolves around the Earth once every 29.5 Earth days. 1 Moon Year = 29.5 Earth Days 1 Moon Day = 29.5 Earth Days This is why we always see the same side of the moon.
Phases of the Moon We see the moon because it reflects the light from the sun. The phase of the moon we see depends on how much of the sunlit side of the moon faces Earth.
Check out this simulation of the moon phases!
How to remember the progression “What’s up, DOC?” “Why, the Moon, of course… ….but there’s only a little LEFT!”
Draw the phases of the moon and label them with their proper name Draw the phases of the moon and label them with their proper name. (You can also use p. 22 of your textbook)
Stations R.A.F.T.: Complete on of the R.A.F.T. sheet options. Your writing must include at least 3 vocabulary words. Vocabulary Station: You can make flash cards, play Pictionary or practice vocabulary on Quizlet website linked off of Mrs. Lloyd’s Teacher Page Shadow Inquiry- Meet with Mrs. Lloyd to make shadow observations, collect and organize information and then describe and explain it. Observation- Go the Astronomy Simulations link on Mrs. Lloyd’s website. Take notes on any new information that you learned (ISN p. 118 )