Topics to revise Asma ul-Husnaa Prophet Musa Cleanliness Prophet Isa Islamic Calendar Asma ul-Husnaa Cleanliness Prophets and Imams
Prophet Musa
Prophet Musa Prophet Musa grew up strong and then left Egypt and went to Madyan. Prophet Musa married Safura who is the daughter of Prophet Shuaib. While Prophet Musa was coming back to Egypt he got lost and saw a fire which was a burning tree He heard a voice come from the burning tree and it said “O Musa, I am your Lord!” Musa was shown two miracles which he could perform which and was asked by the fire to go back and show Firaun so that Firaun could also believe in God. Prophet Musa went back to Egypt and performed the miracles to Firaun, but Firaun did not believe him and bought 2 magicians to challenge Prophet Musa The Magicians had lost and finally believed in God however Firaun did not and killed the magicians. Allah told Prophet Musa to warn Firaun if he did not believe in god he would be punished and they were as many illnesses and diseases had affected the people. The people of Bani Israail then believed in Allah and left Egypt with them but were also followed by the army of Firaun. Prophet Musa came to the sea and split the water and crossed it with his people, Firaun followed him but was too late as the water had returned to its place and killed Firaun and his army. Propeht Musa safely reached the other side.
Prophet Isa
Prophet isa Propet Isa only had a mother called Syeda Maryam. The prophet was 30 years old when he was given the Injeel (Bible) by Allah. Prophet Isa perfomred 3 miracles and these miracles helped the people believe in Prophet Isa. Prophet Isa chose 12 people to be his disciples who would help teach the Bible to people in other cities. The people who did not believe in Prophet Isa got together and planned to kill him but Allah had lifted Prophet Isa to the sky to keep him safe. A man called Yahuda had helped the people who tried to kill the Prophet but Allah changed his face to make him look like Prophet Isa and instead Yahuda was crucified by the people.
Islamic calendar
Islamic calendar Muaharram Safar Rabi-ul-Awwal Rabi-ul-Thani Jamdul-Awwal Jamad-ul-Thani Rajab Shaban Ramadhan Shawwal Dhul Qidah Dhul Hijjah In Islam we follow the Lunar calendar which means we know the date by looking at the moon. The months in the Islamic calendar have 29 or 30 days in them.
Asma ul-husnaa
Asma ul-husnaa AsmaUl-Husnaa means the beautiful names of Allah Allah has 99 different names and each name describes a power of Allah Allah has created his us and wants us to worship him by remembering him by all his names. Below are just 5 of Allah names; Al Rahman = The most gracious Al Rahim = The merciful Al Qadir = The powerful Al Raziq = The provider Al Khaliq = The creator.
cleanliness We need to be clean so that Allah can love us all. T o be clean is to not have any dirt on us but to be Paak we need to be spiritually clean. To stay clean we msut do the following things regularly; Take a bath Brush our teeth Comb our hair Cut our nails regularly Make sure our clothes are clean and neat and tidy
Prophet and imams
Prophet and imams Allah sent 124,000 Prphets to guide us The first prophet was Prophet Adam and the last Prophet was Prophet Muhammed (saw). There are also 12 Imams who were sent as leaders to guide after the last Prophet. The first Imam is Imam Ali (as) and The last Imam is Imam Mehdi (as).