Tutor/coordinator in EP for the 1st and 2nd years: Běla Erdösová, MD, PhD Department of Histology and Embryology Annex building, 3rd floor Contacts: bela. erdosova@seznam. cz bela. Cell phone: +420-739 905 557 Land line (office): 58 563 2254
Non-EU citizens Foreign police x OAMP (Oddělení azylové a migrační politiky= Department of Asylum and Migration Policy) Long term visa (valid for 6 months) – FP (Smetanova 14, Olomouc) ● registration within „3“ days X Long term residence permit (12 months) – OAMP ● biometric data collection (appointment needed) ● ID card collection (appointment needed) 2,500 CZK to be paid (stamp – any post office) Appointments for OAMP always through Ms. Jana Osmani (58 563 2017)
Loss of documents (pocket-picking, shop-lifting ev.) EU citizens Registration at FP – only if you move to a private flat (EHIC) (notification of the change of your address both to the FP and registrars is MANDATORY) -------------------------------------------------- Loss of documents (pocket-picking, shop-lifting ev.) Biometric card – theft – notification to Czech police (Česká policie, not City police/Městská policie), aftewards to OAMP with the police record Biometric card – loss – only to OAMP In both cases: new collection of biometric data (the same day of the notification at OAMP) – appointment needed for the collection of the new card (!!! 4000 CZK) pri ztrátě biometrické karty se to nahlašuje jen na OAMP. A vy\plní nějaký dotazník. Při krádeži to oznamují nejen na OAMP, ale i České policii. A v cizině také na policii a musí si vyžádat protokol.
Loss of your credit card, ISIC, passport Credit card: block your bank account ČSOB – 495 800 111 Česká spořitelna – 800 207 207 ISIC – through registrars Passport (your embassy in Prague, OAMP)
The application The extension of the long term residence permit Submitting your application for a long-term residence permit extension 120 days at the earliest and not later than the last working day before the expiration of your current residence permit !!! If you change your address during your stay, you must report this change in person at the OAMP within 30 days of the change. Required documents: ● Sufficient funds - 90 000 CZK on your bank account and statement not older than 6 months (Czech bank account – only account statement, foreign bank account- account statement + credit card on your name) ● Czech comprehensive health insurance (VZP, Slavia, Uniqa…) ● Confirmation of student status (registrars) ● Confirmation of accommodation (registrars/lease)
Medical care: From 1st October 2016 2nd internal clinic: Monday-Wednesday - Jan Gregar, MD, PhD Thursday + Friday - Diana Bawadekjiová, MD Greeting Absencies