Going International Indiana University Kelley School of Business Discussion # 33 Presenter: Bob Goldstein
Working in Another Country Sounds exciting, doesn’t it? Many people would like to work in international business---but are they really suited for it? And just as important are they prepared for it?
Why go to a foreign country? Vacation Adventure Study Program Seeking Family Roots Or You are really thinking about working in a foreign country.
The Video You Will See “International Business Careers Getting There”
Will show experts from four corporations. They will speak about their experiences and thoughts on their careers, including how and why they moved into international business. And most importantly, they will discuss what students can do to ready themselves for a job in an international division.
What are the attributes of a successful international career? Technical skills. Know your product and company. Strong sensitivity to other cultures. Language skills. Communication skills. Stable family situation.
Ways to prepare. Foreign exchange programs. Overseas study programs. Spending a summer abroad. International clubs and organizations. Foreign internships. Language studies.
The Pluses: Wonderful experiences. Travel. Oftentimes a lifestyle not readily available in the USA. Can be a fast-track to promotions.
The Minuses: Family difficulties. A 6 x 8 cubicle without windows on the 20th floor of a building in Hong Kong is not much different than a similar cubicle in Chicago. Understanding the cultural differences. Security problems.
Let’s talk about risk. Since 9/11, security has been an increasing concern globally. There really is no country that is exempt from possible acts of terror. Multi-national companies are very much aware of this and are spending millions to protect their people and their property. But as we all know, there are no absolutes and no 100% guarantees. Some oversee assignments are riskier then others; but I don't care what country you are talking about, there are risks. And as we all so tragically know, there are risks right here in our own country.
You and You Alone …. must judge the level of risk that is acceptable to you. If you are offered an overseas assignment you have a perfect right to ask some very specific questions about the risk factors and come to your own assessment.
http://www.transitionsabroad.com/ A very good informational site for anyone interested in working internationally.
Let’s share…………. For those among us who have traveled or worked in other countries, let’s share some of our experiences.
IF YOU ONLY DO FIVE THINGS 1. Research your destination thoroughly. 2. Carefully assess your career goals. 3. Get advice on your liabilities. 4. Receive cultural training in advance. 5. Learn the language.
Evaluation questions a. Strongly agree; b. Agree; c. Disagree; d. Strongly disagree; e. Don’t know I found the presentation of material easy to understand This session increased my knowledge on subject presented I will be able to use this information in the future The presenter was well prepared for the session This session should be repeated in the future