PRE-RETIREMENT Insurance Education 2006 803-734-0678 / 1-888-260-9430.


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Presentation transcript:

PRE-RETIREMENT Insurance Education 2006 803-734-0678 / 1-888-260-9430

TERI Participants TERI participants must: Remain on active insurance until last day of permanent, full-time employment Complete NOE for retiree coverage within 31 days of last day of permanent, full-time employment

Retiree Returning to Work If returning to work with no more than a 15-calendar day break, no action is required.

Retiree Returning to Work Retiree choosing to re-enroll as an Active Employee vs. Retiree choosing to enroll in the Retiree coverage Enrolled as an Active Employee Eligible for $3,000 Basic Life Benefit (with health coverage) Eligible for Basic LTD (with health coverage) Can enroll for Optional and Dependent Life (must terminate individual policy with Hartford) Can enroll for MoneyPlus – Pretax premiums – Dependent Care Spending Account Medical Spending Account (after one year of continuous employment) Enrolled as a Retiree Not eligible for Basic Life Benefit Not eligible for Basic LTD Must convert Optional Life and Dependent Life to individual policy within 31 days of retirement Not eligible for MoneyPlus –Pretax premiums –Dependent Care Spending Account , Medical Spending Account

Retiree Insurance Eligibility State Funded Retirees Must have earned service with a school district, state agency or higher education system The state will contribute to your premiums to the same extent it contributes to the premiums of an active employee Local Subdivisions may vary

Retiree Insurance Eligibility State Funded Retirees Eligible to retire upon termination of employment Must have 10 years earned service with state insurance-covered entity* * SCRS service purchase options such as non-qualified, federal, military, sick leave, out-of-state and service with employers that do not participate in the state insurance program do not apply toward insurance eligibility requirements. Last five years must have been consecutive in permanent, full-time position with state insurance-covered entity

Retiree Insurance Eligibility State Funded Retirees If employment terminates before eligibility: Must have 20 years earned service with a state insurance-covered entity* (last five years consecutive in a permanent, full-time position), or Must have 18 years of earned service before 1990 with a state insurance-covered entity* and: Return to work with a state insurance-covered entity Enroll in health and dental Work two consecutive years in a permanent, full-time position

Retiree Insurance Eligibility ORP Retirees ORP Retirees must meet the same insurance requirements as SCRS and EIP. EIP will bill you directly or you may request a bank draft.

Retiree Insurance Eligibility Non-Funded Retirees Retirees who do not qualify for funded benefits and must pay the full premium, which includes the retiree share plus the state contribution. It also may include an administrative fee.

Retiree Insurance Eligibility Non-Funded Retirees Age 55, 25 years of service (SCRS) Must have 10 years with a state insurance- covered entity* Last five years consecutive in a permanent, full-time position Must pay full cost until 60 or until 28 years of service would have been earned

Retiree Insurance Eligibility Non-Funded Retirees Eligible to retire with five years, but less than 10 Last five years consecutive in a permanent, full-time position with a state insurance covered entity* Retiree pays full premium for duration of retirement

Eligible Dependents Spouse Wedded or common-law spouse Ex-spouse by court order Spouse is not a state employee Children Unmarried Not employed with benefits Reside with parent Under age 19 or until 25 if full-time student TRICARE student eligibility begins at 21 and ends at 23 Incapacitated child (requires documentation)

Survivors Health Insurance Premium waived for one year for covered dependents of active employees or funded retirees (after premium waiver, survivors pay full premium costs)* Spouse eligible unless he/she remarries Eligible children * Survivors of employees killed in the line of duty pay funded retiree premiums (local subdivisions may differ).

Survivors Dental Insurance No premium waiver Survivor pays full costs* Spouse eligible unless he/she remarries Eligible children * Survivors of employees killed in the line of duty pay funded retiree premiums (local subdivisions may differ).

Enrollment Periods Annual Enrollment Period Open Enrollment Period Every October (Health plan carrier changes only) Open Enrollment Period Every October in a year ending in an odd number Add or drop coverage for self and/or eligible dependents

Turning 65 in Retirement Notification by Social Security Administration three months before Medicare eligibility Notification by EIP three months before 65th birthday Unless eligible for Medicare due to Social Security disability If eligible due to Social Security disability, must notify EIP within 31 days of Medicare entitlement

Age 65 + at Retirement To apply for Medicare Part B (medical benefits), contact nearest Social Security Administration office no later than the month retirement begins Upon retirement, Medicare is primary health insurance Penalties may apply if you do not enroll in Medicare Part B when first eligible

Medicare Enroll under Part A and Part B Hospital Benefits (A): Deductible: $952 per benefit period Premium free if enough work credits established Medical Benefits (B): Deductible: $124 annually 2006 monthly premium: $88.50 Plan pays 80% of approved charges Medicare does not provide coverage outside the United States.

Medicare Part D vs. Your State Health Plan RX Coverage Prescriptions Medicare Part D vs. Your State Health Plan RX Coverage Medicare Rx Benefit(example) State Rx Benefit $37.00 average monthly premium (in addition to Part B premium) $250 deductible You pay 25% of your yearly drug costs from $250 to $2,250 You pay 100% of your drug costs from $2,251 until you out-of-pocket costs reach $3,600 After you reach $3,600, you will pay 5% of your drug costs or a small co-payment until the end of the calendar year depending on the plan you choose Rx premium inclusive of your medical premium None Retail Participating Pharmacy $10 generic; $25 preferred; $40 non-preferred Home Delivery(90 day) $25;$62 preferred;$100 non-preferred $2,500 out-of-pocket maximum than 100% until end of calendar year; Pay the Difference

Prescriptions Remember, if you elect Medicare’s RX Benefits under Part D, you will LOSE prescription benefits under your State plan. EIP’s prescription drug plan is as good as OR better than what will be provided under Medicare Part D.

State Rx Coverage vs. Medicare Part D EIP will continue to provide prescription drug coverage under our health plan provided the retiree does not enroll in Medicare Part D.

Health Plan Options to Subscribers Who Are Medicare Eligible Medicare Supplemental Plan Standard Plan (carve out) BlueChoice HMO* CIGNA HMO* MUSC Options *Must live in service area to participate in HMO plans.

Secondary Options to Medicare Under SHP (administered by BlueCross/BlueShield of SC) Medicare Supplemental Pays Medicare A deductible each benefit period ($952) Pays Medicare B annual deductible ($124) Pays remaining coinsurance up to 100% of Medicare’s approved charges Prescription drug benefit No coverage outside U.S. Example: $ 7,500 Hospital Bill 952 (Medicare Supplemental Plan pays deductible) $ 6,548 Medicare Pays $ -0- You pay

Secondary Options to Medicare Under SHP (administered by BlueCross/BlueShield of SC) Standard Plan with carve-out Annual deductible: $350 Calculates liability at 80%; subtracts Medicare payment; pays difference Prescription drug benefit Worldwide Coverage $7,500 Hospital Bill - 350 Standard Deductible $7,150 Standard Liability X 80% Standard Co- Insurance $5,720 Amount Standard would pay in the absence of Medicare -$6,548 Amount paid by Medicare $ -0- Standard plan pays nothing; you pay the lesser of 20% or balance of bill, whichever is less. $952 You pay

Health Plan Options to Subscribers who are not Medicare Eligible Same as for active employees: SHP Savings Plan SHP Standard Plan BlueChoice HMO* MUSC Options* CIGNA HMO* Tricare Supplement(must be Tricare eligible, not eligible for Medicare) *Must live in service area to participate in HMO plans

(administered by BlueCross/BlueShield of SC) State Dental Plan (administered by BlueCross/BlueShield of SC) Choose any dentist No pre-existing condition limitations Open enrollment every two years $1,000 annual maximum benefit Continues in retirement

*$25 deductible for Classes 2 and 3 State Dental Plan Classes of Coverage Class 1 Preventive services 100% of fee schedule Class 2* Basic services 80% of fee schedule Class 3 Prosthetics 50% of fee schedule Class 4* Orthodontia (limited to children under 19 and $1,000 lifetime maximum) *$25 deductible for Classes 2 and 3

Dental Plus Administered by BCBS of SC Higher level of coverage for same services under State Dental Plan (except orthodontia) State Dental Plan and Dental Plus combined annual maximum benefit is $1,500 for services in Classes 1-3 Must be enrolled in State Dental Plan (with same coverage level) Open enrollment every two years Continues in retirement

Basic Life Administered by the Hartford $3,000 term life insurance For employees in any health plan Employer pays premium Double accidental death benefit Dismemberment benefits Ends at retirement, conversion available Must apply within 31 days of retirement

(administered by The Hartford) Optional Life (administered by The Hartford) Ends at retirement (conversion available) Must file required enrollment form within 31 days of retirement date Will be billed by The Hartford Will be charged an administrative fee by The Hartford Can elect coverage in $10,000 increments Optional Life portability (for retirees) ends at age 75* *Conversion available within 31 days

Dependent Life Spouse Coverage (administered by The Hartford) Eligible spouse can be covered: For $10,000 or $20,000; or Up to lesser of: 50% of employee’s Optional Life coverage; or $100,000 Premiums based on employee’s age Accidental death and dismemberment benefits Suicide exclusion applies Ends at retirement Conversion is available

Dependent Life Child Coverage (administered by The Hartford) $10,000 coverage $1.24 per month, regardless of the number of children covered Only listed dependents covered Employee is beneficiary No double indemnity benefits Dependent Life ends at retirement, conversion available

Basic Long Term Disability (administered by Standard Insurance Co.) Available to employees in any health plan Employer pays premium Income taxable 62.5% benefit for a maximum of $800 per month Offset by employer-funded benefits 90-day waiting period 2-year occupational disability, then permanent disability Ends at retirement

(administered by Standard Insurance Co.) Supplemental LTD (administered by Standard Insurance Co.) Premium based on monthly salary, age and plan Employee pays premium Income not taxable 65% benefit of monthly salary up to $8,000 maximum Offset by employer funded benefits Minimum benefit of $100 Lifetime Security Benefit 90-day or 180-day waiting period Ends at retirement, conversion available

(administered by Aetna) Long Term Care (administered by Aetna) Provides benefits for custodial care for chronic, long-lasting diseases or disability, including Alzheimer’s Disease Premiums based on age at time of purchase and selected daily benefit amount May continue when you retire or leave employment

(administered by Aetna) Long Term Care (administered by Aetna) Available to: Employee (must enroll within 31 days from date of hire; otherwise, medical underwriting required) Spouse, parents and parents-in-law of active employee (medical underwriting required) Retiree, spouse or surviving spouse (medical underwriting required)

(administered by Aetna) Long Term Care (administered by Aetna) Plan Model Disability Model Service Models Benefit trigger Bathing, dressing, eating, toileting, transferring, continence, and/or severe cognitive impairment 3 out of 6 Cash benefit regardless of expenses incurred $50-$250 DBA options Can purchase additional coverage while receiving benefits Restoration of benefits 2 out of 6 Reimbursements for defined set of covered services $50-$350 DBA options Choice of 50% or 100% Home Care Benefit Expenses Covered Nursing home – 100% Assisted living – 50% Home health care – 50% Assisted living - 100% Home health care – 50% or 100% Spousal Premium Discount N/A 10% for both employee/ retiree and spouse

Vision Care Program Discount program $60 for routine eye exam 20% discount on eyewear except disposable contacts Does not cover additional charges for contact lens exam

Vision Care Program Discounts available at participating ophthalmologists, optometrists and opticians Available to full-time and part- time employees, retirees, and COBRA subscribers and their eligible dependents Do not have to be enrolled in a health plan

(administered by Fringe Benefits Management Company) MoneyPlu$ (administered by Fringe Benefits Management Company) Available to active employees More spendable income Pre-tax Health, Dental, Dental Plus and Optional Life premiums (up to $50,000) $ .12 per month fee Medical Spending Account $5,000 maximum $2.50 per month fee Dependent Care Account

(administered by Fringe Benefits Management Company) MoneyPlu$ (administered by Fringe Benefits Management Company) Can incur expenses through March 15, 2006 provided your account is active December 31, 2005. Applies to medical spending and limited medical spending account Deadline for filing claims March 31, 2006 Plan retirement year deductions carefully Let benefits office know to withhold MoneyPlu$ deductions only through retirement date if retiring during the year Not available in retirement

Benefits You Can Take Into Retirement Health and dental insurance Basic $3,000 life (conversion) Optional life insurance (conversion or portability) Dependent life insurance (conversion) Supplemental Long Term Disability (conversion) Long Term Care insurance Vision Care program

Important Things to Remember You are responsible for your benefits  Enrollment is not automatic Enroll within 31 days of retirement, TERI end date or disability approval Make changes within 31 days of event

Insurance Benefits Guide The information in this overview is not meant to serve as a comprehensive description of the benefits offered by the Employee Insurance Program. Please consult your Insurance Benefits Guide and literature from the various HMOs offered in your service area for additional information.


