Module transport 19-1-2017
Tooling - Module Test & Transport Transport plate compatible with the entire procedure from module production up to stave assembly. The module will be clamped by a second plate and covered by a cover plate. This is sufficient protection against bending of the HIC. Transport only needs shock absorption and climate regulation The production of the first prototype is ongoing Picture taken from Gabriele’s slides
An outer box for shock absorption Disposable, i.e. one time use. Available all over the world Industry standard Carrier plate will be in a sealed N2 filled plastic bag inside this box Extra outer cardboard box, any local standard will be ok
Volume Carriers will probably not be impressed ~ 2000 modules / 1 year 5 module production sites, batches of 10 modules 40 shipments/site 5 stave assembly sites, batches of 10 carrier plates Carriers will probably not be impressed Local agreements for weekly transport?
To be done Each module production site sends to one stave production site? Administratively simpler Less flexible if a site breaks down Select bag sealing equipment Within Europe: Custom rules well known (in Europe) Some VAT procedures to be investigated? Several carriers available Standard insurance Personal delivery is an option Insurance unclear US Need help from local people Is sending via CERN easier? Asia CERN Going via CERN increases the paper work Going via CERN requires manpower at cern