AENEAS WP6 first conference call Peter Solagna – EGI Foundation WP leader
AENEAS Objectives The ultimate objective of the AENEAS project is to develop a concept and design for a distributed, federated European Science Data Centre (ESDC) to support the astronomical community in achieving the scientific goals of the SKA.
Specific project objectives Develop a concept and design for a distributed, federated European Science Data Centre (ESDC) to support the astronomical community in achieving the scientific goals of the SKA. Engage with the science community to define requirements on the analysis capabilities of the ESDC to achieve the science goals of the SKA. Produce design and best practice recommendations for the networking, data transfer, storage, and the authentication and authorization infrastructure required to construct an ESDC together with cost models for European and Global connectivity. Address the challenges of moving the large volumes of data produced at the Telescopes over global distances to the Regional Centres, making this available to European researchers. Establish the optimal technical solution for a highly distributed SKA Science Data Centre in Europe, that learns from previous experience in federating infrastructures and leverages existing investments of the European scientific and computing communities. Estimate the level of resources required to establish an optimal European SKA Data Centre, from technical and human resource points of view. Establish the policy and governance framework that allows maximal scientific exploitation of a European SKA Data Centre by the European scientific communities. Establish a plan for pan-European participation in the SKA science program, well beyond the current European SKA partner counties, in order to grow the astrophysics
WP6 Purpose of this work package is to provide recommendations and define best practices on how to: organize federated service management within the ESDC and across multiple SRCs to address the management of the SKA community-specific services federate the ESDC services with existing e-infrastructure federated services (Identity Provisioning, Authentication and Authorization, tools for federated service management) to ensure interoperability between community and generic e-Infrastructure services collect SKA and e-Infrastructures requirements to federate and eventually enhance existing federation services.
WP6 dependencies WP3 and WP4 Gathering requirements for access control on distributed SKA services Gathering information about the architecture of the distributed SKA infrastructure to design the federated operations best practices and tools
WP6 tasks (Task 6.1) Provide guidelines to establish interoperability between different international e-Infrastructure AAI systems and trust models and SKA AAI services for seamless identification, authorization and authentication in the SRC network of services and resources in SKA leveraging federated Identity provisioning (IdP). INAF, GEANT, GRNET, FOM, (Task 6.2) Recommend a ESDC operations architecture and reference standards and best practices for federated IT service management. (Task 6.3) Identify a core set of interoperable tools for federated ITSM, GRNET
WP6 Deliverables D6.1 AAI requirements and AAI architecture design PM24 D6.2 Federated AAI pilot result PM36 D6.3 SKA Regional Centres federated service management recommendations
WP6 tools WP6 ML: Indico page: Wiki page: Please, register to indico and wiki Need for dedicated tools for tasks? Monthly calls? Which day?
PY1 plans Task leaders to provide plans for PY1 Individual results more important than activities, but please add both if you like WP leader (Peter) will create the structure for the tasks dedicated wikis in the next week, and a page for the PY1 plans For February 23rd Plans will be discussed during the F2F
F2F Meeting agenda WP6 dedicated meeting during the F2F (Den Haag 28 Feb – 1 Mar) Still the agenda is not final and I don’t know the precise slot for the WP6 meeting Topics WP6 tasks yearly plans Plan collaborations with other WPs