The Astronomical Revolution
The Cosmological Revolution
Gods Formed Egyptian
Earth & Locked Aristotelian East
Aristotelian EXTRA East
Earth & Unlocked Ptolemaic
Sun & Circles Copernican East
Sun & Circles Copernican
Copernican VS Ptolemaic Sun VS Earth Copernican VS Ptolemaic
Earth and SUN Tycho
Special Geometry! Kepler first try
Sun & Elliptical! Kepler second try
VoRtex Descartes
Future? Multiverse?
Future? Spin foam?
Copernican VS Ptolemaic Sun VS Earth Copernican VS Ptolemaic
Cosmological Revolution This is a story about cosmological revolutions This is a story about the world turning upside down This is a story where the world stopped making sense This is a story in which the inconceivable became conceivable
Cosmological OBSERvations Stars appear to move East to West Moon appears to move East to West Sun appears to East to West Eternal vs Transitory Some never set!
Cosmological OBSERvations More complicated! Day-after-day the planets slowly move towards to west. So, nightly they rise in the East and set in the West. But over time, the are moving backwards with respect to the stars. And they all wander up and down: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.
Cosmological Revolution Sun-Ra born and dies Stars are gods and deified-persons Some stars are eternal
Cosmological Revolution
Aristotelian Five elements Up-Down: earth, water, air, fire Circular: aether or quintessence
Aristotelian Five elements Up-Down: earth, water, air, fire Circular: aether or quintessence Natural motions Planets locked in Stars on the outside and SPIN!
Aristotelian The apparent rotation of the stars, the sun, the moon. The apparent rotation of the planets (kinda). BONUS: astrology, tides, zodiac and seasons
DARK AGES Revolution Philosophy Theology . Neo-theo-cosmology Aristotle: Cosmology and Metaphysics Ptolemy: detailed astronomy/astrology Philosophy Theology . Neo-theo-cosmology
Trees Take ROOT But medievals built on Aristotle Heaven perfect Earth imperfect Heaven and Hell, it was all so close and apparent God, angels, fallen angels man, See Dante.
Cosmological Revolution Nine levels of Hell Man can climb or fall, we of all creatures have a choice. Aquinas constructed his theology with Aristotle as his scaffolding Anti-A: void Pro-A: Genesis (page 100)
DARK AGES Revolution Philosophy Theology . Neo-theo-cosmology Aristotle: Cosmology and Metaphysics Ptolemy: detailed astronomy/astrology Philosophy Theology . Neo-theo-cosmology
TREE that bear bad fruit Retrograde
Retrograde East West
Ptolemy East West
Cosmological Revolution Retrograde Calendars Strange constructions
Strange Constructions
TREE that bear bad fruit Retrograde Calendars Strange constructions Enter Conceptual problems Shells-epicycles No-mechanism Refutation requires digging up roots.
Cosmological Revolution New concepts, example: Recall Earth motion Projectiles: Arrow? Inertia
Sun & Circles Copernican East
Cosmological Revolution Enter Copernicus Enter objections: Our senses! Loss of heaven What about salvation for other planets? What about scripture?
Poor SOIL Ps 93:1-2 The Lord reigns; he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed; he has put on strength as his belt.Yes, the world is established; it shall never be moved.Your throne is established from of old; you are from everlasting
Poor Soil Joshua 10:13 And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped,until the nation took vengeance on their enemies Ecc 1:4-5 A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens to the place where it rises
Poor Soil Astrology is hard! And for what!?
Revolutions SPILL OUT Enter G: Evidence Heavens = Earth Enter K: Ellipse Need some force Enter N: finds the force Space has a void? Space is massive!
Revolution For possibilities Moving Earth Earth not the Center, Earth is just like the planets and even life the Sun Universal gravitation--akin to Aristotelianism. ◦ No mechanical system came to the rescue ◦ And magnets ◦ And quantum theory? Vacuum--quasi in terms of Aether--but eventually we accept it. Universe might be infinite All things became a little less special The heavens became corruptible The Earth lost its central place and so did mankind