Indesit Project Evolution Description Organization Draft Master Plan 23-24/04/2013 Indesit – Mario Lippera
Smart Dishwasher LCD MODEL Zone Wash Active Oxygen New functionalities Variable Pressure Flexible Interiors Hydraulics 3 sprayers Pls. Setting 14 Pls. Setting Noise Level Up to 41 dB(A) Indesit will provide a Free Standing Smart Dishwasher connected to the Home Area Network (HAN) with a Zigbee communication interface Energy Cons. Up to A+++ Range Water Cons. 9 lt
Smart Dishwasher: Electronic Architecture User Interface Board Zigbee Module Electronic Main Board
Smart Dishwasher: Electronic Architecture User Interface Board Zigbee Module Constraints and Limitations on the INERTIA project: -Low CPU Calculation Power (main board) -Low Resolution and Graphic Quality (dot matrix single color LCD display) Electronic Main Board
Smart Dishwasher: Electronic Architecture – the evolution User Interface Board Zigbee Module Move to a Color TFT 4,3”, developing a new dashboard New electronic contents starts from currently open projects. New electronic contents related to INERTIA project will require both HW and SW developments. Mechanical intervention on the dashboard will be required. Enhance the Main Board CPU circuitry Electronic Main Board
Smart Dishwasher: Reasons for improve New Architecture Advantages Increased Effort High tech home appliance appeal; less vulnerable to the effects of aging, even thinking about the duration of the INERTIA project Mechnical development of a new dashboard Better interaction with the Appliance: easier and more friendly UI Involvement of User Experience and Graphic Design More complicated SW application to be developed Increased quantity of informations calculated from the machine New HW and SW developments Wider machine caracterization Longer developmnet stage Longer debug stage
Smart Dishwasher: Techncal Contents pillars Dishwasher Free Standing new Platform (new on the market from May 2013): full electronic control, brushless motor, full sensor equipped New Main Board Electronic Platform: modification and enhancement of current board New color TFT User Intetrface: porting from Washing Machine (actually under development) ZigBee module ZigBee Protocol: Home Automation Profile v1.2 OUTPUT: -Technological demonstrator NOTES: Indesit developments do not include the development of the Gateway, and/or any UI application fore remote devices and back end. The technological demonstrator will be not certified product: it is intended only for laboratory use and have to be managed by specialist.
Smart Dishwasher: Techncal Contents pillars SUPPORTED FUNCTIONALITIES: Appliance Power Profile (APP) Power Meter SW Water Consuption Calculation Statistics Networking StandBy Remote Control & Monitoring Delay Start Management Scheduling e Overload Management Adaptive UI Remote Messages Clock Washing Cycle Cost
Smart Dishwasher: Techncal Contents more in detail Indesit forecasts the following requirements for its Smart Dishwasher: 1) Energy and Cost Awareness The Indesit Smart Dishwasher will display the consumption forecast (according to the Appliance Power Profile concept, see next slide) of the selected cycle and/or the related cost, if this information will make available by the gateway. Therefore, an estimation of the energy consumption for the selected cycle could be provided and sent to Home Area Network (HAN). The Appliance Power Profile (APP) is a data structure aiming to give an estimation of the power footprint of the smart appliance’s cycle over time as well as an estimation of the relevant energy consumption. The energy estimation is computed considering the mean power consumption of each power phase (a calibration of the electric loads of the Dishwasher is performed in the plant). An high approximation naturally arises in giving an estimation of power footprint of a cycle “a priori” (i.e. in programming mode, before starting the cycle), being the cycle effectively performed influenced by several unpredictable factors. Moreover the APP is described by means of a prefixed structure that, even if endowed with some flexibility in adapting to the real cycle, cannot completely cope with the high variable dynamics of the cycles and relevant conditions defined by the environment as well as by the user settings. The APP is fw prefixed and partially flexible structure which is able to only partially model the cycle dynamics, especially in programming mode*. The cycle dynamics are characterized by some unpredictable factors.
Smart Dishwasher: Techncal Contents more in detail 2) Energy Monitoring The Indesit Smart Dishwasher will measure and display the actual Energy and Power Consumption of the product. This information could be dispatched on HAN. 3) Events Sending The Indesit Smart Dishwasher will send: statistics and other info (e.g. type of cycle, options and regulations, cycle duration, end cycle time) via the gateway the statistics could be sent and elaborated by the back-end tablet notification of following events: start/stop running, end of cycle, door opening, … notification of fault/warning 4) Short Messages on Dishwasher UI Any message received from the gateway and/or back-end could be displayed by the Dishwasher. 5) Overload Management In case of Overload, the Smart Dishwasher accepts remote pause command. The remote resume after Overload could be provided. 6) Scheduling Scheduling of the start time according to different system criteria (optimal start when the energy is cheaper or greener) and according to the user’s constraints (finish by…).
Smart Dishwasher: Indesit draft Time Plan Apr.-Jun. ‘13 Jul.-Sep. ‘13 Oct.-Dec. ‘13 Jan.-Mar. ‘14 Apr.-Jun. ’14 Jul.-Sep. ’14 Oct.-Dec. ‘14 User Experience & Design Center HW Design Main Board SW design UI SW design Zigbee module SW design Debug & Validation Mech. Design & Proto Lab. Testing & Caracterrization Reliability and Data mining
INERTIA Technical Team INDESIT TEAM Technical Affairs: Barbara Cimarra Business Unit Dishwashing: Marketing: Valeria Aiello R&D: Mario Lippera (Project Manager DW) Dino Bongini Technology Center / electronics: Danilo D’Antonio (Project Manager Electronics & Technology Center) Lucio Bianchi (Smart Grid Program Manager) Mech. Design & Proto Lab. Testing & Caracterrization Reliability and Data mining User Experience & Design Center HW Design Main Board SW design UI SW design Zigbee module SW design Debug & Validation