CCM Eligibility Requirements John S. Beku The Anglophone Africa Civil Society and Communities CCM Shadow Report and Scorecard Initiative and Training Workshop 24th October 2016 CCM Eligibility Requirements John S. Beku
COUNTRY COORDINATING MECHANISM - CCM CCM Core Functions Coordinate the development and submission of funding request Nominate the Principal Recipient Oversee implementation of the approved grant Approve any reprogramming requests Ensure linkages/consistency between GF grants and other health and development programs. A governance and oversight structure at country level A public and private sectors multi-stakeholder partnerships: Governments Multilateral or bilateral agencies Non-governmental organizations Academic institutions Private businesses and People living with the diseases
Ccm leadership role CCMs are expected to play a stronger leadership role, in: Participate in the National Strategic Plan discussions at country level Convene stakeholders to engage in inclusive country dialogue and agree on funding split
CCM Eligibility Requirements (Ers) A set of six requirements - pre-requisite to access GF funding (2014) Institutionalise good governance practices at CCM and overall grants management. Ensure HR principles are key to GF funded programs Non-discrimination Gender equality Participation of key affected populations
COUNTRY COORDINATING MECHANISM - CCM CCM Core Functions CCM Coordinate the development and submission of funding request Nominate the Principal Recipient Oversee implementation of the approved grant Approve any reprogramming requests Ensure linkages and consistency between GF grants and other health and development programs. A governance and oversight structure at country level A public and private sectors multi-stakeholder partnerships Governments Multilateral or bilateral agencies Non-governmental organizations Academic institutions Private businesses and People living with the diseases Must meet ERs to do this!
CCM Eligibility Requirements (Ers) ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process ER3: Oversight planning and implementation ER4: CCM membership of affected communities ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
CCM Eligibility Requirement 3 ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process Develop/follow an oversight plan for all financing approved by the GF. Detail oversight activities Describe how the CCM will engage program stakeholders in oversight ER3: Oversight planning and implementation ER4: CCM membership of affected communities ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
CCM Eligibility Requirement 4 Representatives of populations affected by TB come from areas with high incidence of TB and HIV The representatives of populations affected by malaria come from malaria endemic areas ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process ER3: Oversight planning and implementation People living with the diseases ER4: CCM membership of affected communities Key affected population ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
CCM Eligibility Requirement 4 People living with the diseases ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process Key affected population ER3: Oversight planning and implementation ER4: CCM membership of affected communities Women and girls, Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) People who Inject Drugs (PWID), Transgender People, Sex Workers (SW), prisoners, refugees and migrants, people living with HIV, adolescents and young people, Orphans and Vulnerable Children, and populations of humanitarian concern. ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
CCM Eligibility Requirement 5 ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process CCM members representing non-government constituencies to be selected by their own constituencies based on documented, & transparent process, developed within each constituency. This requirement does not applies to multilateral and bilateral partners. ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process ER3: Oversight planning and implementation ER4: CCM membership of affected communities ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
CCM Eligibility Requirement 6 ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process Ensure adequate management of conflict of interest: Develop and publish a policy to manage CoI. Apply the CoI policy throughout the life of GF grants (present documented evidence of its application to the GF on request) ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process ER3: Oversight planning and implementation ER4: CCM membership of affected communities ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
ER Review Process ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process Requirements 1 and 2: are assessed at the time of Concept Note submission. ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process ER3: Oversight planning and implementation ER4: CCM membership of affected communities, Requirements 3 to 6: are assessed annually through the Eligibility and Performance Assessment (EPA), methodology ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
Meaningful representation Principles ERs ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process Program success ER3: Oversight planning and implementation ER4: CCM membership of affected communities, Meaningful representation ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member Effective CoI Management ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
Requirements Minimum standards MS Principles ERs ERs/MS ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process Program success ER3: Oversight planning and implementation Requirements ER4: CCM membership of affected communities, Meaningful representation ER5: Processes for electing non-government CCM member Minimum standards MS Effective CoI Management ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
Requirements Minimum standards MS Principles ERs ERs/MS ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process Detailed requirements that are mandatory ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process Program success ER3: Oversight planning and implementation Requirements Minimum standards were to become mandatory as of 1 Jan 2015 ER4: CCM membership of affected communities, Meaningful representation Minimum standards MS ER5: Processes for electing non- government CCM member Effective CoI Management ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs Measures core functions of a CCM.
A set of indicators for each requirement and standard Principles ERs ERs/MS Indicators ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process A set of indicators for each requirement and standard ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process Program success ER3: Oversight planning and implementation Requirements e.g. A complete CCM oversight plan that includes activities, responsibilities, timeline and budget. ER4: CCM membership of affected communities, Meaningfu l representa tion ER5: Processes for electing non- government CCM member Minimum standards ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs Effective CoI Managem ent
Documentation for each indicator E.g. Oversight plan Principles ERs ERs/MS Indicators Examples of Criteria for Compliance Assessment Examples of documentation ER1: Transparent and inclusive concept note development process NC - Oversight plan is vague; or out of date; or no oversight plan exists. IC - Oversight plan fails to specify either roles, timeline or budget. FC - Oversight plan is up to date, with activities, roles, timeline & budget. Documentation for each indicator E.g. Oversight plan ER2: Open and transparent PR selection process Program success ER3: Oversight planning and implementation A set of indicators for each requirement and standard Require ments ER4: CCM membership of affected communities, Meaningful representatio n ER5: Processes for electing non- government CCM member Minimu m standar ds Effective CoI Management ER6: Management of conflict of interest on CCMs
Thank you