Shailendra Sigdel Roshan Bajracharya Group Activity on Roles and Responsibilities of Different Stakeholders for EFA 2015 Review Shailendra Sigdel Roshan Bajracharya
Purpose of the Group Activity Discuss on the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders in EFA 2015 Review process To develop/improve Implementation and technical guidelines To enhance better coordination among stakeholders at country and regional level
Group Formation East and Central Asia ( China, Japan, PR Korea, DPRK, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan) South Asia (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Maldives) Pacific ( Cook Islands, Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu) Mekong ( Thailand, Lao PDR, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Myanmar) Insular south East Asia ( Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Timor Leste) All Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) UNESCO colleagues: based on the coverage of field office
Procedure of Group Activity Filling up the template by Individual country/ CSO Discussing in the sub-regional group Preparing Group Summary report Appoint Chair-person and Rapporteur for each group
Time Allocation Individual Templates filling- 5-10 minutes Group discussion – 35-40 minutes Summarization of the group work – 10 minutes Reporting back to Plenary - 3-4 minutes
Guidelines for Discussion
Thank you and Have a Nice Discussion