A Roman Catholic Priest Know what a parish priest does Understand why priests are so important for Catholics To understand why priests are celibate To understand and evaluate different views on celibacy
Silent Starter: Explain how the church helps catholic’s go to heaven ( 8 ) Through the teaching of the rules laid down by God in the 10 commandments. Through confession which allows sins to be forgiven and catholic’s to repent By passing on Jesus’ teaching of how to live a good life The authority of the church means that if you are part of it you are guaranteed to go to heaven By teaching about the life of Jesus and understanding how to conduct yourself as a actholic. By praying for Catholics who are in purgatory to release their souls in to heaven.
Bishops They are the representatives of the original apostles but they cannot run all the churches themselves so a bishop appoints priests to look after parishes The word “priest” means someone who offers sacrifices
A Roman Catholic Priest The jobs a priest does. Celebrate Mass Visits the sick and takes them communion Chaplain at a school or hospital Teaches people about Jesus Oversees marriages, baptisms and funerals School governor Hears confession Available to give spiritual advice Look after the church building and finances Write an article for a newspaper advertising for a priest. Include a full job description.
A Priest’s helpers Deacon- Helps the priest with his job and is allowed to do everything except The mass Confession Priests will often appoint people from the parish to do some jobs for the church. These are usually practical jobs eg. Treasurer or church warden.
The main job Roman Catholics believe that a miracle occurs during every mass. This is called Transubstantiation. Transubstantiation is when the bread becomes the body of Christ and the wine becomes his blood. Only Priests are allowed to perform this miracle. This is because: Jewish high priests were the only ones who were allowed to perform sacrifices. This tradition has been inherited by Roman Catholics Because it is so important, only a priest, a man chosen by God, can do this. What miracle always happens during mass? (use and explain the long word) Why can only priests perform the mass?
Celibacy Roman Catholic priests must be male and have to be celibate. They have to be male because the disciples Jesus chose were male. They have to be celibate because Jesus was celibate and they believe that a wife an children would stop them focusing on God to the same extent. St Paul said “I want you to live as free of complications as possible. When you're unmarried, you're free to concentrate on simply pleasing the Master. Marriage involves you in all the nuts and bolts of domestic life and in wanting to please your spouse, leading to so many more demands on your attention. The time and energy that married people spend on caring for and nurturing each other, the unmarried can spend in becoming whole and holy instruments of God”
Exam questions: “Priests should always be celibate” Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer (3) Why would some people disagree with you? (3) Copy the key term -Celibacy means living without engaging in sexual activity What are the advantages and disadvantages of celibacy?