HOW TO EXPLAIN THE THREE TREASURES Arnold Wang Chong De Youth Workshop November 16, 2014
Introduction Have faith that the Tao is true, the Principles are true, and the Heavenly Decree is true. Have confidence when explaining the Three Treasures to others. Be sincere and be thankful. Speak from the inherently perfect Wisdom. As a general guideline, when introducing the Three Treasures to new Tao members who just received Tao, try to finish in 15 to 20 minutes.
Introductory Remarks Congratulations on receiving Tao. During the ceremony, the Tao Transmitting Master had already opened our spiritual gate. At that moment we were one with God, and an instantaneous perfection was achieved. But afterwards we returned to the worldly state. Thus, we need the Three Treasures to bring us back to the moment of perfection.
Introductory Remarks The Three Treasures are the manifestations of the Truth, and as such, they are characterized as the “Heart Dharma.” The Three Treasures are also methods of cultivation. The Three Treasures are as follows: The Holy Gate The Holy Mantra The Holy Covenant
Introductory Remarks The Three Treasures are heavenly secrets. Do not discuss them with anyone without lighting the three holy lamps. Do not take notes or record any presentation on the Three Treasures.
The Holy Gate The Holy Gate is called 玄關竅 (xuan guan qiao) in Chinese. It can also be referred to as the Heavenly Portal. It is the entrance and exit of the Spirit and the source of Wisdom. Confucius said, “Who can leave the house without using the door? Why do people not follow this way?” It is the way to Heaven.
The Holy Gate Tao Te Ching (Chapter Six): The valley spirit never dies; it is the woman, primal mother. Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth. It is like a veil barely seen. Use it; it will never fail. Buddhist references Story of “Picking Up a Flower and Smile” Gatha of pagoda The Buddha of Many Jewels from the Lotus Sutra
The Holy Gate Holy Bible (Matthew 16:24): Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
The Holy Gate Holy Bible (Matthew 6:22): The light of the body is the eye; if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
The Holy Mantra The Holy Mantra is called 口訣 (kou jue) in Chinese. It can also be referred to as the Heavenly Password. It is a silent prayer for asking help from the holy spirits. It is the password for entering Heaven. It is the formula for the Truth.
The Holy Mantra The Heavenly World is beyond form and physical body. The Spiritual World is one of form. The Material World is one of form and physical body. Maitreya Buddha is currently responsible for saving all living beings. The Mantra encompasses everything in the world.
The Holy Covenant The Holy Covenant is called 合仝 (he tong) in Chinese. It can also be referred to as the Heavenly Hand Sign. It is a contract between Heaven and us that we are going to be good, i.e., act in accordance with our Conscience. The left hand symbolizes goodness, so it is on the outside. The right hand symbolizes evil, so it is covered by left hand.
The Holy Covenant The Covenant symbolizes that all material things have beginning and ending – they are impermanent. It means returning to the heart of a child. Holy Bible (Matthew 18:4): Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
How to practice the Three Treasures Keep the concentration at the Holy Gate without forcing. Silently chant the Holy Mantra. Hold the Holy Covenant. Use when distressed or not feeling well. Use to help concentrate and to gain peace of mind. Use if there is an emergency and need help from the holy spirits.
Concluding Remarks Our Holy Teachers are Jigong Living Buddha and Yuehui Bodhisattva. Inform the listeners of the temple’s name, the date, and the last name of the Tao Transmitting Master. Remind the listeners not to disclose the Three Treasures to anyone who has not received Tao.