teaching in statistics Galambosné Tiszberger Mónika University of Pécs, Faculty of Business and Economics
Philosophy of „flipped classroom” Learner centered model – the traditional is teacher centered Class activities are for deepening and enlarging the already obtained knowledge (via out of class preparation) The model claims that it moves over the responsibility for learning from the teacher to the student Students have more control
The background Business Statistics 48 regular second year students 2+2 structure („lecture” + tutorial in two groups) Textbook (shared with Probability and Statistics) Group work (10%) Quizes (10%) 2 midterm tests (15-15%) Final test (50%) Hand written cheat sheet
Tools All materials uploaded (exercises, datasets, ppt, etc.) Name tags coloured paper, nickname on one side with huge letters, full name on the other side (perpared by them) I could call them by names (helps or forces interactivity more) I could manage the absences (I collected the name tags after each class) Random groups of 4 in each lecture They got to know each other The „good” and „not so good” students were mixed Quizes Quiz schedule is necessary at the beginning of the semester, where the material references are very precise (a good textbook is a must) Random 10 questions for 10 minutes each time in Neptun Open for 3-4 days, they could schedule it as they wished Prequiz , which they had to fill in before the lecture. It was closed one hour before, so I could see what was clear, and what was not, and I had the chance to focus the lecture part based on this information. Same quiz after the tutorials
Classes No ordinary lecture Random groups I put a quesion – they discuss it in 5-8 minutes – one-two groups tells us what they had figured out – I intergrate (in the first few weeks they felt it weird, but later they brought the book and they really started to work) By the end of the semester almost every student had talked during the lecture! At the end of the lecture – exercise in group work (they had to give the solutions in paper to me)
Some data
Students opinion (official evaluation) Q15: What was the best aspect of this module? (I collected only those which refer to the flipped elements) Nobody had put anything to Q16 (What was the worst aspect of the module?)
Students opinion (I asked them to give me anonymous feedback in the last week) I collected only those, which refer to the flipped elements. green – positive; blue – negative/positive; red - negative
Overall opinion This is not an ultimate solution for our problems, but IT IS for some of them. We all (students and I) felt better during the lectures, and the atmosphere was really friendly by the end. The feedbacks were very good (best ever ) The students gained a lot of good grades. (11 out of 17 fails were Chinese students… we should do something there…; but on the other hand two got 4, five got 3 and two got 2) I used the same method in a Hungarian class as well. Results: same type of satisfaction, and also good feedbacks. I will definitely continue to work with this method, and I also try to build in some elements in case of huge group sizes (e.g. in Statistical modelling with 250 students I introduced the prequiz)
Thank you for your attention!