Using Built-In Features of Digital Commons Stephanie Gaskins, Library Operations Coordinator Liz Richardson, Document Delivery and Institutional Repository Manager Digital Commons+ Great Lakes User Group Meeting Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan July 30-31, 2015
Using Built-In Features Today’s Presentation Background Digital Commons @ Kent State University’s Workflow Digital Commons @ Kent State University’s Decision Email Templates
Using Built-In Features Background: The Institutional Repository Team bepress Digital Commons platform Launched late October 2013 IR Team of approximately 14 Representation across campuses and personnel classifications Subcommittees work on different channels of the IR We use Series, Book galleries, Image galleries, SelectedWorks, Journal Publishing and Event hosting channels Previously published work Arranged by college/department Academic communities and series Decisions about this channel made in Docket Meetings
Using Built-In Features Background: Submission Management Tools Bepress Digital Commons User Manual: Submission Management Tools are similar to those used by journal editors Administrator notes Acceptance and Rejection Email templates Features can be used with batch or individual upload View image larger on next slide
Using Built-In Features
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Workflow: Workflow = Administrator Notes Not just notes! “Most recent administrator note” Shows status of item by using a code. The notes indicate any issues that the next admin needs to address.
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Workflow: 2 codes DATA: any information and questions about the data entered COPYRIGHT: any information and questions regarding copyright, contacts, decisions, follow-up
Using Built-In Features Utilizing student employees! At least 2 sets of eyes on each item Allows communication across departments and shifts (we use 3rd shift employees!) Students can input any item and utilize notes for ANY questions they have Everything is checked by an authorized copyright person before posting
3rd shift Digital Commons!
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Workflow: Any admin can check all the steps of each item by viewing administrator notes- even after it is posted. No spreadsheets to deal with! Administrators can view any hidden supplemental content such as copyright forms or screenshots.
Sample of Administrator Notes
*Quick overall information. *Information includes reference to hidden document. (Info learned last year here!)
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Workflow: Administrator Notes are used in Book Galleries, too! In our book gallery of books authored by KSU faculty, we include links to items in our catalog, KentLINK. When an item is not found, we send email to Acquisitions and then note this. We add the link later when the item is added to KentLINK.
Get the Most out of Email Templates!
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates: When an item is posted, authors receive email notification. (This feature can be turned on/off, by bepress.) We have customized this email with information about Digital Commons. One problem with this is the possibility of multiple emails to the same author when posting multiple articles. .
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates: We are now starting to use the “Register Decision” options to send custom emails to article authors.
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates: Current choices are Accept Submission Accept Submission with minor revisions Major revisions required for acceptance Reject Submission A nice feature would be the ability to customize these Decision names to match the customized email templates we have created.
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates:
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates: Can select to not send email
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates: Customized email requesting post-print
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates:
Using Built-In Features DC @ KSU Decision Email Templates: Customized email with questions
Using Built-In Features Thank you! We welcome questions and feedback! Visit Digital Commons at Email us at Stephanie Gaskins | Liz Richardson