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Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Best Practice Agenda Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Best Practice Overview of partner organisations in the PPM community Portfolio, Programme and Project Management (PPM) Framework How other methods and approaches interact with PPM PRINCE2-2017 : Latest update on the new manual This is what will be happening during the exams! Describe the examination formats and arrangements to delegates. Explain Registration by attending this event; Certification by passing the Practitioner exam. Delegates must pass the Foundation Exam in order to sit the Practitioner Exam. Delegates need 50% to pass (38/75 Foundation Questions; 75/150 marks in the Practitioner exam.
Accreditation and Exams Who’s Who Method Owners Accreditation and Exams Accredited Training This is what will be happening during the exams! Describe the examination formats and arrangements to delegates. Explain Registration by attending this event; Certification by passing the Practitioner exam. Delegates must pass the Foundation Exam in order to sit the Practitioner Exam. Delegates need 50% to pass (38/75 Foundation Questions; 75/150 marks in the Practitioner exam.
Portfolio, Programme & Project Best Management Practice Portfolio management addresses the fundamental questions: Are we doing the right things? Are we doing these things right? Most significantly, are we realising all the benefits in terms of more effective services and efficiency savings from the changes we are implementing? MoV® Management of Value® M_o_R® Management of Risk® Change Management P3O® Programme & Project Offices ® ITIL® IT Service Management MoP® - Portfolio Management MSP® - Programme Management PRINCE2® - Project Management Programme Management enables you to align and co-ordinate projects within a programme of business change so that you can effectively support specific business strategies. APM / PMI / IPMA Project Management Body of Knowledge (techniques) PRINCE2 Agile® AgilePM (PM Development) Agile - (development) Scrum, DSDM, Kanban, Lean, etc. Project Management is the application of processes, methods, knowledge, skills and experience to deliver outputs in order to achieve the project objectives. MS Project Planning & Resource tool
Why SPOCE? The most influential and respected training companies in the industry. 1st to be accredited by APMG International 1st to run a PRINCE2® course 1st to run an MSP ® course 1st PRINCE2 ® and MSP ® Practitioner e-learning 1st to ` a PRINCE2 Agile ® course 1st AXELOS PPM Approved Courseware Provider 1st AXELOS Strategic Partner 1st PRINCE2 Agile® e-learning True enthusiasts! We deliver our events like it’s the first time, every time!
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THE Update 2017
Involving over 100 people from: Developed in close consultation Involving over 100 people from: Practitioners Organizations AXELOS accredited community Academics PRINCE2: Drawing on real-life project management expertise <click through for each> The updated PRINCE2 has been developed in close consultation/collaboration with project-management professionals from the widest possible range of sectors and cultures: Practitioners Organizations AXELOS accredited community Academics This culminated in: The AXELOS product, commissioning, examinations, translation and accreditation teams 3 authors 3 mentors 10 examiners Nearly 80 reviewers of the guidance (across two review stages) And the support of an advisory group built from the community Aim – to create something that is of the highest quality, community driven and collaborative. Drawing on real-life project management expertise
The same but even better New examinations New PRINCE2 manual The same but even better How PRINCE2 2017 Practitioners can remain current PRINCE2’s tried and tested approach PRINCE2 Update 2017: “The same … but even better” The same, but even better Affirms PRINCE2’s tried & tested approach to project management overall structure of principles, themes & processes emphasis on defining roles & responsibilities etc. essential & universal principles of method remain as valid as ever New PRINCE2 book: Managing Successful Projects Guidance now characterized by a stronger emphasis on: tailoring PRINCE2 to the needs of organizations & project environments the principles that underpin PRINCE2 Clarifying the link between themes & principles practical application of guidance, with numerous examples, hints & tips. New Foundation and Practitioner examinations Foundation exam; AXELOS has taken steps to make the exam overall more efficient and focus more clearly on the core of PRINCE2. The major changes include: Elements of the exam that aren’t part of the core have been removed (such as configuration management, which is now not clearly defined within the method) and assessment criteria around tailoring have been added (such as what must be applied from each theme in order to be following PRINCE2) Emphasis on different parts of the syllabus has been readjusted, for example the principles feature more prominently, and there is more equal weight amongst the seven themes Improvements to the exam design have been made, such as reducing the number of negative and list questions, and the number of questions on a paper has been reduced from 75 to 60. Practitioner exam; there is renewed focus ensuring that candidates are equipped with the practical skills to gain value from PRINCE2 in their project environments. The major changes consist of: The practitioner exam will now test candidates on all parts of the PRINCE2 method Emphasis on different parts of the syllabus has been readjusted, for example there are questions specifically around the principles, and the number of questions about management products has been reduced The candidate is now tested on the general application of the core of each theme and process (at Bloom’s Level 3), and on their practical ability to assess, in a particular context, whether an approach to project management is effective and fit for purpose (at Bloom’s level 4) Improvements to the exam design have been made, such as reducing the amount of ‘additional information’ needed to answer the questions, removing assertion reason and multiple response questions, and reducing the number of marks to 75. How PRINCE2 2017 practitioners can remain current AXELOS is updating the way in which PRINCE2 Practitioners remain current, to reflect the changing nature of professional development. From the release of the new guidance and exams in mid-2017, end-learners certified in PRINCE2 will remain current through a new programme linked to PRINCE2 Membership. This will enable our practitioners to work at their own pace to remain current, and avoids the need for a mandatory re-registration exam. Further information on a later slide. The same, but even better
Why focus on tailoring? PRINCE2 can already be tailored to: the role of the Project Manager the project in hand the needs of the organization PRINCE2 is NOT a waterfall approach to Project Management Tailoring now a thread running throughout method and exams PRINCE2 Update 2017 “The same … but even better” continued Why focus on tailoring? PRINCE2 is readily tailored to: the needs of any organization the project in hand the professional role of the person managing the project BUT – misconception that PRINCE2 is solely a waterfall approach to project management – this is not the case This misconception may have grown from not testing on tailoring in the current PRINCE2 exams & the tailoring chapter not readily read PRINCE2 2017 update: Philosophy & practice of tailoring now a thread running throughout method & training – it permeates entire thinking of PRINCE2 2017 (which wasn’t specified before) Update’s increased & consistent practical emphasis on tailoring enhances PRINCE2’s value to a wide range of organizations and job roles Update includes specific guidance on agile adoption, referring directly (where relevant) to PRINCE2 Agile Essentials remain consistent, but not all elements of PRINCE2 need to be applied comprehensively for every project. Update thus provides guidance on: identifying minimum requirement for a PRINCE2 project making selective, but still optimum use of PRINCE2’s elements to suit the scale of the project in hand. Why focus on tailoring?
Remaining Current Current Practitioner certificate expiry dates remain valid New process to remain current from launch of new PRINCE2 2017 exams Linked to PRINCE2 Membership Focus on continual professional development New programme to be officially launched before exams As mentioned - AXELOS is updating the way in which PRINCE2 Practitioners remain current, to reflect the changing nature of professional development. From the release of the new guidance and exams in mid-2017, end-learners certified in PRINCE2 will remain current through a new programme linked to PRINCE2 Membership. This will enable our practitioners to work at their own pace to remain current, and avoids the need for a mandatory re-registration exam. The main elements of the new programme are: PRINCE2 Practitioner certificates have an expiry date of three years In order to remain current with your certification, you must satisfy the following criteria within the three-year period: Have an active subscription to PRINCE2 Membership each year Complete the prescribed 45 CPD points within the three years At the end of the three-year period, if a candidate has satisfied the above two criteria they will be considered current for the next three years Current PRINCE2 certification (issued prior to release of the updated PRINCE2 guidance and exam in mid-2017) remains valid until the expiry date shown on the certificate. Practitioners will need join PRINCE2 Membership at or before the expiry date on their certificate and will then be eligible to remain current via the new programme Candidates wishing to remain current in a language other than English, can take the current/2009 PRINCE2 re-registration exam or take the full exam again in their language, where available. Going forward this is only applicable where there is no PRINCE2 2017 update version available to the candidate Trainers can choose to remain PRINCE2 certified via the new programme, or re-sit the Practitioner exam at the end of their three-year certification period.
Getting the best out of AXELOS PRINCE2 Membership AXELOS Membership AXELOS' online membership service wide range of content includes: Best Practice guidance practical templates and toolkits study guidance for examinations Access to global community of users and experts Membership service will offer resources to members on the update. Includes: Practical content Exam support videos Webinars PRINCE2 Update 2017 Getting the best out of AXELOS PRINCE2 Membership AXELOS' online membership service helps PRINCE2 users excel in their professional role and advance their career Its wide range of content includes: best practice guidance online resources, e.g. practical templates & toolkits study guidance for examinations It also offers access to global community of PRINCE2 users & experts Membership service will offer dedicated resources to fast-track members on the update To include: The latest news and information on the update Practical content Exam support videos Webinars Special access to promotions and competitions. Getting the best out of AXELOS PRINCE2 Membership
AXELOS.com/PRINCE2-2017 PRINCE2 Update 2017 Getting the best out of AXELOS PRINCE2 Membership AXELOS' online membership service helps PRINCE2 users excel in their professional role and advance their career Its wide range of content includes: best practice guidance online resources, e.g. practical templates & toolkits study guidance for examinations It also offers access to global community of PRINCE2 users & experts Membership service will offer dedicated resources to fast-track members on the update To include: The latest news and information on the update Practical content Exam support videos Webinars Special access to promotions and competitions.
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