Introduction Many of the smallholder farmers integrate crops and dairy production on land holdings of less than 5 ha, with one to five cattle that play important multiple roles In most of the certified smallholder farms only crop enterprises are certified as organic despite the potential benefits of keeping organic dairy cattle on the same farms. ‘Organic production’ on the farms studied was only viewed as linked to an enterprise, that is, crop production, and not a way of thinking and organizing the whole production system.
Introduction (Cont..) Organic farm should aim at optimizing the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil life, plants, animals and people. Are there any business opportunities that would bridge this gap and still guarantee supply of organic product in the market?
What did we find? Land holding and land use pattern: Most of the farmers had less than an acre The land was mainly used for crop production (certified crops and maize) The farmers have limited capacity to produce fodder to meet the animal needs within the same farm Organic fodder production
What did we find? Disease and pest management There was routine use of acaricide against ticks as a preventive measure to tick-borne diseases. Pharmaceuticals were used to control diseases. Development of organically approved chemical to use for tick and disease control
What did we find? Market for organic dairy products There was limited market for organic milk. Organic animal products do not have a niche market to provide premium prices Provide incentive to produce organic milk by organizing the organic market
What did we find? Dairy cattle management, health and welfare in certified organic farms Farm structures in most of the farms did not meet the welfare need of the cows. Farmers require technical and financial support to integrate organic dairy production
Conclusion There exists a market for organic milk that needs to be organized. This make it possible to incentivise the farmers for producing milk based on organic principles. There exist a great potential to develop organic milk production through the existing organic networks in Nairobi.