Hand-Building Vessels Y9 Ceramics Unit Hand-Building Vessels
In order to achieve the standards set out in the curriculum, you are required to complete several tasks (CATs). When completed, these CATs make up a full unit of work and will be theory and prac based. Throughout the unit of work, you will follow the creative process.
Throughout this unit of work you will gain knowledge, and develop your skills in the following: What Ceramics are/How Ceramic pieces are made/How Ceramic pieces are decorated Researching and Investigating Sketching/Drawing/Designing Coil-Building and Slab-Building Analysing and Evaluating Writing essays and annotations Planning and time-management
Brief You are to design and make a ceramic vessel. You must follow the creative process. CONSTRAINTS (MUST do): Your ceramic vessel can be no larger than an A4 piece of paper Ceramic vessels must be created using coil-building or slab-building techniques Your final ceramic vessel must have some type of decoration on it You may only use Terracotta or Earthenware clay CONSIDERATIONS (YOUR choice): What will your final ceramic vessel look like? What technique/s will you use to decorate your ceramic vessel?
CAT1 SKILLS Research and Investigation
CAT 1 Getting to know the basics! Research and answer the following questions in detail. Don’t forget to include images. What are ceramics? Investigate the following ceramic materials and their properties; Earthenware Clay, Teracotta Clay and Porcelain Clay.
How can ceramic products be hand-built How can ceramic products be hand-built? Investigate the following processes; Coil-Building and Slab-Building. How can ceramic products be decorated? Choose 1-2 of the following decorative techniques to investigate; Glazing, Surface Texture and Oxidising.
CAT2 SKILLS Research and Investigation Analysing existing products Forming opinions Writing annotations
CAT 2 Looking at existing products for inspiration! Find and select 3 existing products (ceramic vessels) that you find inspirational. Analyse and annotate (write about) each design, writing in full sentences and in detail. You will need to comment on: Shape/Form: round, square, curvy, elongated, rectangular, oval, cylindrical etc. Type of ceramic material used: terracotta clay, earthenware clay, raku, porcelain, stoneware etc. Building techniques used: hand-built (coil/slab/pinch), potters wheel (thrown) Describe colours used (glazes): e.g. Angry Red, Pastel pink, Deep Purple, Sunset Orange, Daffodil Yellow Is the vessel based on something in particular or does it have a theme?: A Character, An animal etc. Why you find the vessel inspirational, and how it could influence your design ideas: e.g. you may choose a vessel because you like its textured surface, and may wish to do something similar on your final piece. Decorative techniques used: e.g. Applique, Inlay, Burnish, Texture/Pattern, colour/glaze, Sgraffito etc. Any other features: glass beads, mosaic, metallic pieces, fabric pieces etc. USE THE HELP SHEETS (available on COMPASS or as hand-outs) .
CAT 2 EXISTING PRODUCTS: Research/Investigation/Analysing 1 2 3
CAT3 SKILLS Observational drawing/sketching Generating ideas for surface decoration
EXAMPLE IDEAS CAT 3 Surface decoration! For this CAT, you will need to come up with 6 ideas for how you may wish to decorate your final ceramic vessel. You will need to draw/sketch your ideas on A3 paper. THINK about types of decoration such as……… Applique Surface texture Patterns and Motifs Glazing and Oxidising . EXAMPLE IDEAS
CAT4 SKILLS Sketching and Drawing Generating design ideas Talking about and describing your design ideas with annotations
CAT 4: Generating design ideas for a ceramic vessel! For this CAT, you will need to produce a design booklet…….ask your teacher for an A2 piece of paper so that you can create a booklet. You are required to come up with 6 designs in total, four original ideas and two preferred design options. Each one of your designs must be annotated with added colour, and you must explain the reasons behind your final design choices. Remember to look at the surface decoration ideas you completed for CAT 3. ANNOTATIONS: Shape/Form: round, square, curvy, elongated, rectangular, oval, cylindrical etc. Type of ceramic material used: terracotta clay, earthenware clay, raku, porcelain, stoneware etc. Building techniques used: hand-built (coil or slab) Describe colours used (glazes): e.g. Angry Red, Pastel pink, Deep Purple, Sunset Orange, Daffodil Yellow Is the vessel based on something in particular or does it have a theme?: A Character, An animal etc. Decorative techniques used: e.g. Applique, Inlay, Texture, Pattern/Motif, Colour/Glaze. Any other features: glass beads, mosaic, metallic pieces, fabric pieces etc. REMEMBER your design brief…… Your ceramic vessel can be no larger than an A4 piece of paper Ceramic vessels must be created using coil-building or slab-building techniques Your final ceramic vessel must have some type of decoration on it You may only use Terracotta or Earthenware clay
CAT 4: Generating design ideas for a ceramic vessel! If you are struggling to come up with interesting shapes for your design ideas, look at the ones below.
HAND-BUILT VESSEL UNIT CAT 4: Generating design ideas for a ceramic vessel! Don’t forget to create a front cover for your design booklet! FRONT COVER EXAMPLE Y9 Ceramics HAND-BUILT VESSEL UNIT EXAMPLE DESIGN IDEAS
TIPs Slab-built Coil-built CAT 5: Make your final ceramic vessel! For this CAT, you will need to make a final ceramic vessel based on one of your final design options. You must have fully completed your design booklet by this stage, and make sure you discuss your final design option with your teacher before getting started. REMEMBER your design brief…… Your ceramic vessel can be no larger than an A4 piece of paper Ceramic vessels must be created using coil-building or slab-building techniques Your final ceramic vessel must have some type of decoration on it You may only use Terracotta or Earthenware clay TIPs Use earthenware clay for slab-building (slab-building is more suited to geometric type pieces) Use terracotta clay for coil-building (coil-building is more suited to curvy type pieces) Slab-built Coil-built
CAT6 SKILLS Research and Investigation Writing essays in paragraphs
CAT 6: Get to know a ceramic artist! For this CAT, you will need to research and investigate the life and works of a ceramic artist. You will also need to write an essay based on what you find out. To help you, your teacher has created a set of questions (available on COMPASS or as a hand-out).
CAT7 SKILLS Analysing and evaluating your work and behaviour Forming an opinion and reflecting on things Writing /literacy
CAT 7: So…….how do you feel? For this CAT, you will need to write about (evaluate) how you feel when it comes to your finished unit of work. You will also need to reflect on and write about your behaviour, and overall attitude towards learning. Your teacher has created a set of evaluation questions for you to complete (available on COMPASS or as a hand-out). THINK about……….. Have I ever been late to class? Do I always have the equipment I need (including shoes)? Do I use my class time well? What is my behaviour like………am I respectful? Do I make an effort to catch up with my work when I have had time off? Do I complete follow-up learning tasks? Do I always complete work to the best of my ability? Do I make sure the classroom is left in a tidy state?