Industrialization Sometimes called the “Industrial Revolution,” but happened more slowly Began in second half of 18th Century Fundamentally changed how goods were produced
Causes of Industrialization (1/2) Great Britain’s location on the Atlantic Ocean Geographical distribution of coal, iron, timber European demographic changes Urbanization Improved agricultural productivity
Causes of Industrialization (2/2) Legal protection of private property Abundance of rivers and canals Access to foreign resources Accumulation of capital
Development of Machines Watt’s steam engine; Internal combustion engine, Resulted in exploitation of fossil fuels (coal, oil) Increased energy available to societies
Factory System Concentrated labor in a single location Led to increasing degree of specialization of labor
Spread of industrialism Originated in northwestern Europe and spread to: Other parts of Europe United States Russia Japan
The “Second Industrial Revolution” Second half of 19th Century New methods in the production of Steel Chemicals Electricity Precision machinery
Global trade, production New patterns developed, integrated global economy Industrialists sought raw material New markets desired for factory goods
Export economies Specialized in mass producing single natural resources Cotton Rubber Palm oil Sugar Wheat Meat Guano Metals Minerals The profits from these raw materials were used to purchase finished goods.
Economic impact Rapid development of industrial production Contributed to the decline of economically productive, agriculturally based economies (Textile industry in India)
Chinese markets Industrialized states sought new consumer markets for finished goods Britain, France tried to “open up” China during 19th Century
Extensive mining centers Need for specialized and limited metals for industrial production Copper - Mexico Global demand for silver and other forms of wealth Gold, Diamonds - South Africa
Financial Institutions Facilitated investments at all levels of industrial production Financial instruments expanded Stock markets, insurance, Gold standard, Limited liability corporations
capitalism Ideological inspiration for economic changes Associated with Adam Smith Classical liberalism associated John Stuart Mill
Transnational businesses Spurred by global nature of trade and production United Fruit Company HSBC- Hong Kong Shanghai Corporation
Transportation, communication Railroad Steamships Telegraphs Canals
Responses to capitalism In industrialized states, many workers organized themselves to Improve working conditions Limit hours Gain higher wages Others opposed exploitation of workers by promoting alternative visions Utopian socialism Marxism Anarchism
RESISTANCE TO CHANGE Some governments resisted economic change Attempted to maintain preindustrial economic production Qing China, Ottoman Empire
State-sponsored industrialization Meiji Japan - Economic reforms Russia – Factories, railroads China – Self-Strengthening Movement Egypt – Muhammad Ali's development of cotton textile industry
Reforms State pensions and public health in Germany, Expansion of suffrage in Britain, Public Education in U.S., elsewhere
Societal changes Resulted from restructuring of global economy New social classes Middle class; industrial working class Family dynamics, gender roles, demographics changed Rapid urbanization led to unsanitary conditions, new forms of community
Imperialism Industrializing powers established transoceanic empires U.S.; Japan; European states States with existing colonies strengthened control in Asia, Pacific British – India; Dutch - Indonesia Germany; Russia Spanish, Portuguese influence declined
Africa European states used warfare, diplomacy to establish empires Britain – West Africa Belgium - Congo
Settler Colonies Established by Europeans in some parts of their empires British – Southern Africa, Australia, New Zealand French - Algeria
Economic imperialism Practiced by industrialized states Britain, France– Expand influence in China through Opium War Britain, U.S. – Heavy investment in Latin America
State formation, contraction U.S., European influence over Tokugawa Japan led to emergence of Meiji U.S., Russia expanded land borders, conquered neighboring territories Ottoman Empire contracted due to anti-imperialism Independent states in the Balkans, Semi-independence in Egypt, French and Italian Colonies in North Africa, Later British Influence in Egypt
New states Developed on the edges of existing empires Cherokee nation Siam Hawaii Zulu Kingdom
Nationalism Ideology developed new communal identities Germany Philippines Liberia
Racial ideologies Used to justify imperialism Social Darwinism “White Man’s Burden”
Enlightenment Questioned established traditions (in all areas of life) Spread often preceded revolutions and rebellions against existing governments Thinkers applied scientific method to human relationships Voltaire, Rousseau
Religion critiqued Intellectuals critiqued role in public life Insisted on importance of reason, not revelation.
New Political ideas Individual, natural rights; the social contract Locke, Montesquieu
Revolutionary documents Enlightenment thinkers influenced resistance to existing political authority Declaration of Independence (U.S.A.) Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen (France) Jamaica Letter (Simon Bolivar)
Expansion of rights People challenged notions of social relations Led to: Expanded suffrage Abolition of slavery End of serfdom
National communities People developed a new sense of commonality Beginning in 18th century Based on language, religion, social customs, territory Identity linked with borders of the state Governments used idea to unite diverse populations Unification of Italy, 1860
Reformist, revolutionary movements Propelled by increasing discontent with imperial rule Subjects challenged centralized governments American colonial subjects led rebellions producing independence in: United States Haiti Mainland Latin America French subjects rebelled against monarchy
Other resistance Slaves challenged authorities in Americas Formed “Maroon societies” of escapees Anticolonial movements fed by: Increasing questions about political authority Growing nationalism
Religious rebellions Some rebellions influenced by religion, millenarianism (belief that society will undergo transformative change) Examples include Taiping Rebellion (China) Ghost Dance (Native Americans) Xhosa Cattle Killing Movement (South Africa)
Reform Occasionally, imperial governments responded to rebellions by reforming policies and practices Tanzimat Reforms (Ottoman Empire) Self Strengthening Movement (China)
Transnational ideology, solidarity New political ideologies Liberalism Socialism Communism Resulted from Global spread of European political, social thought Increasing number of rebellions
Challenges to gender hierarchies Demands for women’s suffrage Emergent feminism A Vindication of the Rights of Women (Mary Wollstonecraft) Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen (Olympia de Gouges) Declaration of Sentiments (Seneca Falls Convention)
Global Migration Influenced by changes in demography as global population rose due to Changes in food production Improved medical conditions Occurred in industrialized, un-industrialized societies Challenged existing patterns of living
Growth of cities New transportation led internal and external migrants to relocate to cities Significant global urbanization in 19th century
Temporary Migrants Significant number returned to home societies after seasonal, temporary work Japanese Agricultural workers in the Pacific Lebanese Merchants in the Americas Italians in Argentina
Consequences of migration Variety of reactions to increasingly diverse societies Migrants tended to be male due to physical nature of labor in demand Women took on new roles in home society formerly occupied by men.
Ethnic enclaves Helped transplant culture into new environments Facilitated the development of migrant support networks. Chinese in Southeast Asia, Caribbean, South America, North America Washington, DC Indians in East and Southern Africa, the Caribbean, and Southeast Asia
Ethnic, racial prejudice Receiving societies did not always embrace immigrants States attempted to regulate the increased flow of people Chinese Exclusion Act, White Australia Policy