Frodsham Manor House 50th Anniversary Family Camp and Ceilidh Who is invited – All families and friends of Frodsham Manor House (Only school families to camp out overnight.) When – Friday 18th July 2014 Cost - £10 per pitch includes Bacon Butty Breakfast plus £5 per head for Ceilidh and Hog roast. Time for campers – pitching from 5pm (tents to be up by 7pm). Field to be vacated by 10am Saturday morning. Not Campers? Join us for a social time, outdoor games, circus skills, bring your own kite flying, family ceilidh with professional band, PTA bar and hog roast 7-10pm.
The Health and Safety Bit The school field will be available from 5pm onwards for pitching tents. Non campers are welcome onsite from 7pm for outdoor activities. The hall will be open from 7.45pm with the Ceilidh due to start at 8pm. The parking available in the main school car park will be reserved for overnight campers. Please do not drive onto the field if you are camping in a tent. Please come round the side of the school and park temporarily on the junior playground while unloading. There will be a few trolleys available to assist you with heavy items. Please return your trolley as soon as you have unloaded to enable others to use it. Caravans and Campervans please access the field through the large staff car park. All cars must be returned to carparks by 6.30 ready for us to secure the site from traffic. Smoking, family pets, open fires or BBQ’s are not allowed on site. Entrance to the school will be by the hall doors for activities in the hall or dining room . We will be using the junior toilets so please access from the junior playground. You can access these all night so please bring a torch. A first aid kit will be available throughout the event for small injuries and will be kept in the large outdoor classroom. If you require further assistance please find a member of staff. Mrs Anstice, as a member of staff, will be camping overnight. To find her look for the white Manor Muppet flag. Mr Devereux-Roberts will be ‘glamping’ in his office as there needs to be a staff member in the building. Please see Mr Devereux-Roberts with any incidents which cause concern and if an accident has happened please see Mrs Anstice for the accident book which will be with the first aid kit. First aiders for the evening will be Mrs Read and Miss Bedford. Mr Devereux-Roberts will be locking the gates to secure the site from 11pm-7am. Please can the site be quiet by 11.30pm to help families with younger children and our neighbours. In the event of fire we will ring a school bell continuously. In the case of emergency please assemble near the infant outdoor shelter. A member of staff will break the fire alarms and notify the fire service. Please clear the site by 10.00am on Saturday morning taking your rubbish with you.
Games Please encourage your children to bring outdoor game equipment to use on the field adjacent to the infant playground. Please do not bring bikes or scooters. 7.00-8.00pm Option to join in with a game of rounders, football, have a go on the circus skills equipment, fly your own kite, share your own outdoor toys with others (a rocket was popular last year), take part in a family football match, do your own thing or all of the above. 8.00-10.00pm We are looking forward to welcoming back a previous headteacher, Mrs Cotterill and her Ceilidh band who will lead our evening activities. During their breaks there will be a family disco. Non-Campers must leave the site by 10.15pm. PLEASE NOTE THAT PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN CHILDREN THROUGHOUT THE EVENT AND MUST ACCOMPANY THEM DURING ALL INDOOR AND OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Food You are welcome to bring a picnic for the Friday night and your ticket includes the hog roast. There will be a PTA bar although you are also welcome to bring your own drinks. Please do not drink to excess and ensure that no alcohol is left around for children to access. Bacon butties and hot drinks will be available for all campers from 8-9am in the dining room.
BOOKING FORM Please return to school with payment by Tuesday 15th July. CAMP OUT BOOKING Our children have persuaded us to attend the camp out, we would like to reserve our pitch for £10 and we want to book the following; Names of adults:________________________________ ________________________________ Names of Children:_______________________________ (Please make sure all your party names are listed for the overnight register) We require ________ tickets for the evening (must include all people including campers and may include additional visitors) at £5 per head for age 4 upwards. Method of camp out - Tent Caravan Campervan Signed ____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------- EVENING BOOKING ONLY Our family would like to join in with the evening on site entertainments only and will leave the site by 10.15pm. Name of pupil _____________________ We require ________ tickets at £5 per head for age 4 upward (Including Ceilidh and Hog Roast).