Cosmology by Cosmic Dust Thomas Prevenslik Discovery Bay, Hong Kong, China Enter speaker notes here. 1 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010 Universe Expansion In 1929, Hubble discovered the spectral lines of Lyman - light from quasars was redshift Based on the Doppler effect, Hubble interpreted the redshift as the expansion of the Universe. 2 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010 Hubble Law Distance d to Quasar, Ho = Hubble constant = 71 km /s / Mpc = 20 km /s /Mly 3 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
Hubble Redshift By Doppler’s effect, the velocity V of the Quasar relative to Earth, Z = Redshift o = Redshift wavelength = Lyman - line c = Speed of light 4 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
Purpose Show Hubble redshift is produced in cosmic dust by QED induced EM radiation QED = Quantum Electro Dynamics EM = Electromagnetic Enter speaker notes here. 5 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010 Cosmic Dust Particles Spherical DP ~ radius a and diameter D = 2a Very small grains – D ~ 0.001 to 1 µm ( Typical in the ISM ) Large grains – D ~ 1 – 10 µm ( Typical in DMC ) Grain Material – Amorphous Silicate Power law size distribution: dn/da ~ a -3.5 ( amax ~ 0.3µm ) 6 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
Specific Heat Capacity in DPs 7 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010 EM Confinement From QM, Photons of wave length are created by supplying EM energy to a box with walls separated by /2. For spherical DPs having diameter D and refractive index nr > 1, 8 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010 QED induced Redshift Specific Heat Vanishes No Temperature change Redshift Emission o = 2Dnr Supernovae Photon DP 9 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010 Lyman - Redshift 10 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
Universe Expansion? The EM confinement of a D = 280 nm amorphous silicate DP having nr = 1.45 produces a red photon having o = 2 nr D = 810 nm. Treating the red photon at 810 nm as redshift of the Ly line from a Supernovae at 121.6 nm, the QED induced redshift Z = ( o - ) / = 5.7 The Hubble Law gives the Universe expanding at V = 0.956 c with the Supernovae at 4096 Mpc from the earth But the Universe is not expanding !!! 11 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
Conclusions 12 Period-luminosity relation qualified in Cepheid stars Dark Energy not needed to explain an Expanding Universe Period-luminosity relation qualified in Cepheid stars Dark Matter not needed in Gravitational Lenses Galaxy Rotation Problem resolved without Dark Matter MOND not needed to account for Dark Matter Independence of Redshift in Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Light Curves in Supernovae Explosions 12 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010
10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010 Questions & Papers Email: Enter speaker notes here. 13 10th Greqat Lakes Cosmology Workshop, Chigago 14-16 June, 1010