Welcome to PTMS and B104! Please choose a seat – choose wisely! Try your best to complete the following: Solve this math problem: -2 + 4 – (-5) – 7 = Correct this sentence (there are 5 errors): For move-up day I need too pay Attention listen and learn.
The answers are… math problem: -2 + 4 – (-5) – 7 = answer: 0 LA problem: For move-up day I need too pay Attention listen and learn. answer: For move-up day, I need too to pay attention, listen, and learn.
Focus: Welcome to the middle school Focus: Welcome to the middle school. Please come in and sit quietly waiting for the teacher to begin. Student Objectives: 1. I will explain the procedures of the Peters Township Middle School. Homework: Enjoy your summer
Frequently Asked Questions about life here at the middle school:
Where are the lockers? Answer: The lockers are located in the front hallway, the bottom floor, by the art rooms on the first floor, and by the science rooms on the second floor. NEVER GIVE YOUR COMBINATION TO ANOTHER STUDENT.
When should I go to my locker? Answer: You should go to your locker before homeroom, before lunch, after lunch, and at the end of the day. You can also go at other times, in between classes, if you forget something.
How many teachers will I have? Answer: You will have four core teachers, a reading or world language teacher, two special area teachers, and a homeroom. You may also have a study hall teacher or a band/chorus/orchestra teacher. There will also be teachers on lunch duty.
How long is lunch? Answer: Lunch is 30 minutes long. There is no recess.
What should I do if I don’t have a lunch? Answer: Often parents will drop off their child’s lunch. You should check the front office between classes. You will not be called to the office.
What materials do I need for every class? Answer: Each teacher will tell you what you need at the beginning of the year. But you should always have a pencil, your textbook, binder, and your assignment book.
How much homework will I get each night? Answer: It varies. You should expect at least an hour to an hour and a half. You will have math homework every night.
What does it mean to be on a “team?” Answer: Being on team means you have the same core teachers (Math, Science, Language Arts, and Social Studies). You will also have a team name.
Heinz Language Arts: Mr. Zeminski Science: Mrs. Palko Math: Mrs. Petricca Social Studies: Mrs. Gallagher
Salk Language Arts: Mrs. Brown Science: Mrs. Markowski Math: Ms. Kern Social Studies: Ms. Giaquinto
Carnegie Language Arts: Mrs. Colella Science: Ms. Bernardo Math: Ms. Bladel Social Studies: Mr. Maiolo
What sports are offered at the middle school? Answer: cross country (B/G) cheerleading football volleyball (G) basketball (G/B) softball track (G/B) swimming (G/B) wrestling
How long are classes? Answer: 41 minutes long 4 minute pass time 11 periods
What happens if I am late for class? Answer: varies per teacher if you are going to be late because you were with a teacher—ask that teacher for a pass if you are going to be late because of a locker problem—ask the custodian who helps you for a pass. if you are going to be late because you were wasting time in the hall…you will not have a pass and there will be consequences! During the first week of school, teachers understand that you are getting used to a new school and they will be more lenient. Don’t take advantage of them!
What about the dress code? Answer: Middle School Student Handbook In general: shirts must have sleeves pants must not have holes above the knees skirts and shorts must reach mid-thigh undergarments must not show leggings/yoga pants can only be worn if a shirt that reaches mid-thigh is worn over them You are responsible for knowing the dress code on DAY ONE. Do not come to school on the first day in violation of the code!
Thanks for visiting us today! We’re looking forward to seeing you in the fall. And don’t worry—we’ll remind you of all this information. If you have any questions before we see you again, contact the middle school office staff. Have a great summer! See you soon!