AIMS To start to understand the reasons for underachievement In some sub groups within our A.G.T cohort Discuss a range of practical ideas to overcome this via our T/L provision
Card sort Order the following students according to who is most likely to achieve (GCSE A*-C) by the end of secondary school? Asian Female Black Male Asian Male White Male Black Female White Female
A*- C Grades (With E&M) (Source JCQ) Asian Female: 87.2% (66.2%) White Female: 83.7% (61.5%) Asian Male: 81.2% (57.7%) White Male: 76.7% (54.4%) Black Male: 72.2% (47.2%) Black Female: 80.1% (66.2%)
“ I prefer teachers to explain things then just leave me alone to get on with it, I hate it when they rush me and keep moving on to new tasks before I’ve finished.” “I hate it when teachers ask questions all the time and make me speak in front of the class. I don’t want to show the whole class that I know the answer.”
“What is your favourite subject Harry?” “ I don’t like any subject.” “None, they’re all boring.” “I’m sure that’s not true, which one do you find most interesting?” “If you had to pick one, which one would you say You are best at?” “I’m rubbish at them all.” “Ok , so which are you least ‘rubbish’ at?” “business studies…. but only because I’m on a computer”
“I like to work at my own pace or sit and listen to the teacher and make notes, I don’t like group work, pair work is ok with the right person.”
Background info on boys At the age of 6 boys are already behind on their education Boys are 11 months behind the average girl in English speaking and listening Boys find it difficult to concentrate for more than 6 minutes at a time (girls 16 minutes) Boys are 6 months behind girls in Numeracy
If you had to sum up what boys were like what would you say? Loveable and mischievous? Immature and irritating? Interesting and fun? Noisy and messy? Sport mad? Computer mad? Technology mad? Thirsty for knowledge? Laid back to the point of horizontal? Difficult to understand? Easy to be with? Hard to control?
Boys Value Excitement - Humour - Justice - Courage
Female traits Male traits Express emotions Avoids risk Gentle natured Repression of emotions Risk taking Non-competitive Dependent Competitive and ambitious Independent Gentle natured Rationale and practical Aggressive Impulsive
‘How do I Hook the boys in?’ Practical ideas.....
Short and quick fixes – Starters and end of lesson work Routine breeds boredom. How often do boys have an idea or dread of the expectation of going into a certain classroom about what they are going to be doing...... Sit Word search...... Worksheet...... Lesson starts........ Shock, music, role
Short and quick fixes – Starters and bell work Task music.......... By the time the music stops you need to have done the following: Have all your equipment out Collected your book Made a note of the date (18th November 2013) Add the title ‘Meanders and Levees’ Underline date and title…..
Medium term planning – Building communication and routine Boys and writing Boys generally do not enjoy writing, the brightest boys in the class perform well verbally but writing is their downfall. You want boys to complete this side of A4 for their assessment. The assessment is on ?????? that they have recently been completing. How do you ensure that boys work to the best of their ability? You have 4 minutes in your pairs to come up with how you would do this?
1 vs 1 Battle Answer the following question… 73 x 68
91 93 99 97 Can you guess which thing One of these things, it doesn’t belong. One of these things is not like the other thing Before I finish my soonnnggg. is not like the other things 99 97
Get ready…. STATISTICS/ DATA HANDLING Boys vs Girls Line up by the whiteboard Write as many words/phrases as you can associated with the topic on the board You can’t write something the other team have written You take turns to write a word, then pass the pen on. STATISTICS/ DATA HANDLING
Medium term planning – Building communication and writing How well do you know your boys? Ask students to add in their own level of creativity – how much better could they make the assessment if their hero/someone they admire was involved in or even reading the story? Change the shape Why would filling in Something that is a different Shape be more interesting? Because it is different! Post it! Hand out an assessment with an envelope with their home address on? Most Boys especially like to show off, they wouldn’t want their parents to see if it wasn’t their best?
Boys, tomorrow’s Men, Husbands and Fathers Firstly – value male attributes rather than deter them. Energy, boldness competition and risk taking. Secondly – Build self-esteem, make sure boys can self-discipline and channel their best qualities rather than suppress them. Thirdly – Communication, how we communicate with boys can make them feel undervalued therefore this becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
+2 points! +1 point! +5 points! -2 points! +2 points! Swap Points! HEADS OR TAILS?? Swap Scores! 22 11 -4 points! Beat The Clock 9 COOKIE MONSTER 24 +3 points! +1 point! 23 1-on-1 Battle +1 point! 4 18 FIZZ BUZZ Bankrupt other team! KEY WORD CHALLENGE 13 -5 points! 15 + 2 points! PRODUCT GAME 10 +2 points! 8 PRODUCT GAME 20 You’re Bankrupt! Beat The Clock +2 points! +3 points! 14 -2 points! 1-on-1 Battle 16 + 4 points! KEY WORD CHALLENGE 17 12 Level the scores! 1-on-1 Battle 3 +1 point! Swap points! 21 FIZZ BUZZ Swap Points! COOKIE MONSTER 19 6
Sharing their good practice Longer term planning – Embedding boys achievement Praise/flattery Working with parents Changing the culture Sharing their good practice ???