Back to School Night 5th Grade Mrs. Mary Beck
Welcome! Mrs. Beck has been teaching at West Indianola for 17 years. Graduate of Kansas State University; Masters degree from Baker University. Seaman Elementary Teacher of the Year 2015-2016 Kansas Geography Alliance Teacher of the Year, 2016-2017 Excited to be using some new technology and becoming part of the USD 345 blended learning community.
Schedule Information for the Year PE/ Music is from 10:10-11:00 Lunch 12:05-12:30; Short Recess 12:30-12:40 Library- Thursdays 11:00-11:25 Spanish-Tuesdays 11:00-11:25; Wednesdays 9:45-10:10 Computers- Mondays 11:00-11:25 Counselor-Every other Friday 11:00-11:25 Recess- 2:05-2:20
Grading Policy/ PowerSchool First year for letter grades. Please read over information sheet carefully. Grades will reflect a summation of scores. Grades/ work can be viewed online. Late work will receive no higher than an 80% (unless from absence); reworks may be required for any assignment which scores lower than a 70%. Grading scale: 90-100%= A; 89-80%= B; 79-70%= C; 69-60%= D; 59% and lower= F
Positive Classroom Discipline/ Whole Brain Teaching Both use research-based techniques to increase time-on-task/ student involvement Verbal /visual/ kinesthetic cues All for one, one for all. Individualized when needed, but both work toward overall benefit of the class. Use of clipboard for tracking behavior; Use of Class Dojo during the day for keeping track of behaviors.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports School-wide set of expectations and consequences Students earn Cardinal Cash for behaviors above expectations Cardinal Canteen for purchasing items using Cardinal Cash
Projects/ Homework Students have page goals for independent reading each quarter. One book talk will be required in the first quarter, two in every subsequent quarter. Students will have weekly spelling work to complete and will frequently have Everyday Math Study Links to be completed. Small Science and Social Studies projects may be required at some points in the year. Students will bring home guidelines for projects. During 3rd and 4th quarter, students will be completing a curiosity research project. More information will be sent home in the middle part of December.
Projects/ Homework Most homework will be in the form of the class homework calendar, working on independent reading, work not completed during class time, work missed due to absences, and other projects assigned throughout the year. Unless it is project-centered, homework should not need more than 45 minutes to complete. If your child struggles with an assignment, he or she should let me know the day it is due. This is so that I can work to help them during the day to finish.
Miscellaneous Students may bring birthday treats to share. We typically do so in the afternoon. Treats are to be brought for classmates. No peanuts, please. We ask that students not take treats to other teachers around the building. Water bottles may be brought to class. Snacks may be brought, but please do not send cookies, sugary snacks, or candy. Snack milk is no longer be offered.
Miscellaneous Check my website and Schoology weekly for brief newsletters/podcasts, spelling lists, homework calendars, and other information about what is going on in class. Using Schoology this year for support of student learning, as well as online storage for work. Lots of new students this year. Please be patient with car pick ups and follow teachers’ requests in the car pick up lines to keep children safe. Place placard in window when picking up your student.
Schoology and Powerschool A code will be sent home for access to see your child’s work and progress on Schoology. Assignments, newsletters, spelling lists, and other information will be regularly updated on Schoology. Be sure to get signed up from the district website for access to Powerschool for updates of your student’s grades. See Mrs. Shaw in the computer lab tonight if you would like to sign up here at school.
Field Experiences Unfortunately, at this time, we will not be able to attend Star Base. If I receive notification that we will get to attend, will need MANY parent volunteers. Working to attend other experiences. Will attend several district-sponsored activities, including 5th grade track meet in May. Watch for notices.