Ancient Greece Vocabulary Sixth Grade Unit 6 Week 2
Words to Know empire democracy architecture ideal mythology
democracy empire ideal mythology architecture democracy empire ideal mythology group of countries or states under one ruler or government
a style or special manner of building architecture democracy empire ideal mythology architecture a style or special manner of building
mythology a group of legends or architecture democracy empire ideal mythology a group of legends or stories about a particular country or person
just as you would wish; person architecture democracy empire ideal mythology ideal just as you would wish; person
democracy architecture democracy empire ideal mythology a government that is ruled by the people who live under it
Words to Know empire democracy architecture ideal mythology
construction technology art and science of building Which means the same thing as the underlined word? My brother wants to study architecture in college. construction technology art and science of building
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Michelle considered the kitten to be an ideal pet for her family. perfect enjoyable
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Athens had the first democracy. government ruled by the wealthy government ruled by the majority
territory won in a battle an extensive political unit Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Foreign invaders caused the end of the empire. territory won in a battle an extensive political unit
Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Herbert found books on mythology to support his study of the Ancient Greek culture. traditional stories that explain natural events information about people’s religious beliefs
Words to Know empire democracy architecture ideal mythology
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