Performance Reporting TITLE TCD Project Portfolio Performance Reporting TITLE TCD Project Portfolio as at December 31, 2013 Meeting Date: January 8, 2014 Author: PMO
Project Portfolio Performance Reporting - Agenda Project Portfolio Current Roadmap & Summary List Project Portfolio Impact Assessment (PMO) Overall Project Portfolio Decisions & Actions Next Meeting Appendix Project Risk Indicator (for reference) Detailed performance reports in alphabetical order (active projects)
1. Project Portfolio Current Roadmap
1. Project Portfolio Summary List Project ID Dept. Project Short Name EOG Champion Sponsor Project Manager Type PRI Project Activity Status Schedule (start date) Approved Overall Project Status Schedule (end date) Financial (€000s) Effort (Man-days) Benefit (€000s) Apprvd Prev Curr 13-001 College Business School Paddy Prendergast Gerry Lacey Andrew Nealon Build H Awaiting Approval 1-Aug-13 A 31-Mar-17 G €70,000 TBC 13-002 CSD Mobility Ian Mathews John Murphy Brian O'Hora IT M In Progress 30-Sep-17 €2,933 13-003 START Phase 2 Gery Lacey Pat Millar Change Management 1-Mar-13 31-May-14 €1,770 983 €1,819
2. Project Portfolio Impact Assessment (PMO) Impacts: [Note: PMO provides observations regarding the project portfolio level in terms of risks, assumptions and dependencies between projects.] PMO has made the following observations / assessments regarding the Project Portfolio performance reported:- Overall project impacts (including general trends identified & any impacts on other projects / business activities): Lack of clarity around the new capital projects approval & prioritisation process and the ‘order of events’ (what committees need to be liaised with & in what order e.g. space allocation) Some projects not observing the new approach / methodology and are progressing without appropriate governance being in place. This might be due to the lack of clear communication around the new approach, who / what projects may be impacted, timeline for the new approach rollout, sources available for support, etc. Timeline impacts: Perception may be that projects are being delayed by the introduction of the new approval approach due to the need for a solid Business Case and CAG approval. This appears more related to the fact that expectations may not have been properly set and development of the Business Case may not have been properly planned for, but provides pressure to progress without appropriate approval. Financial impacts: Some projects are progressing through key project decisions / cost commitments without the appropriate governance being in place Resource impacts: (Note: Many of the TCD projects do not appear to be estimating resource requirements at any level of detail. This appears to be a legacy cultural / process issue which will need to be resolved / rectified – via the new project approval & prioritisation process): Business School: Limited view available on resource requirements /impacts. This is expected to improve as the project resource plan is further developed & finalised as part of the Business Case development, and with support from the PMO. Mobility: Limited view available on resource requirements /impacts. Strategic Planning stage is coming to closure and both detailed & high level resource plans should be available at that point. START: Currently performing detailed planning for phase 2. Clear resource requirements are available. Scope impacts: Change Management processes are required to be available & used by the projects. In particular, the Business School CSD build project needs to embrace & embed Change Control processes into the approved programme governance in advance of submitting the Business Case for approval. Quality impacts: Nothing to note. Early days for the 3 projects included in PMO reporting. Benefit impacts:
3. Overall Project Portfolio Decisions # Decisions [Enter decisions made during the meeting, to be summarised by PMO presenter] Owner Date 1 2 3 4 5 6
3. Overall Project Portfolio Actions # Actions /Deliverables [Enter actions taken / deliverables agreed during the meeting, to be summarised by PMO presenter] Owner Date 1 2 3 4 5
Project Portfolio Performance Reporting Next Meeting: Wednesday February 5, 2014 (14:00 - 15:30)
Project Portfolio Performance Reporting - Appendix A. Project Risk Indicator Matrix Detailed Project Performance Reports B1. Business School B2. Mobility B3. START
A. Project Risk Indicator Matrix A standard method / approach has been defined which categorises projects based on key risk indicators. It proposes the level of project management control and governance that should be applied to a project. Projects are assigned a project risk indicator of Low, Medium or High. The table below outlines the areas considered and their relative grading which, when combined, provides the project risk indicator. SAMPLE
B1. Detailed Project Status Reports – Business School
B2. Detailed Project Status Reports - Mobility
B3. Detailed Project Status Reports - START
B3. Detailed Project Status Reports - START
B3. Detailed Project Status Reports - START