Welcome to Year 4 Snow Leopards (Mr Syner) Bumble Bees (Ms Bell) Vampire Bats (Mr Varney) Mr Varney Jake Thomas Miss Bell Mr Downer Mr Syner Miss Shakespeare
School times start of day break community time lunch afternoon school start end of day
Behaviour – Expectations and Rewards
EASTON CE ACADEMY BEHAVIOUR REWARDS Merits House Points Star Certificates Jump Trip
Uniform expectations
PE and swimming times PE kit expectations
Home work Mathletics Maths Challenge Bug Club Reading Homework will be given out on a Friday and is expected back on the following Wednesday. Home work Mathletics Maths Challenge Bug Club Reading
Literacy year overview Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Fiction The Pied Piper A Tricking Tale Little Red Riding Hood A Traditional Tale Krak the Cobbler & Smog the Dragon Defeat the Monster King Midas Wishing Tale Whole school story The Tunnel Portal story Non-fiction How to Catch a Rat Instructions Should the Big Bad Wolf be Jailed? Discussion The Storm Dragon Explanation text GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! Recount Non fiction text based on the whole school story Text based on The Tunnel
Addition and subtraction (3 weeks) Multiplication and division Numeracy Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6 Place value and number (4 weeks) Addition and subtraction (3 weeks) Multiplication and division (5 weeks) Area and perimeter (2 weeks) Fractions Statistics (1 weeks) Measurement (7 weeks) Geometry Revision week End of year assessments Closing the gaps
Curricuum overview
Term Topic Curriculum Week Trips 1 (7 weeks) What is it like to live in Italy? PSHE @Bristol 2 (7 weeks) Christmas Week Anti-bullying Week Italian restaurant 3 (6 weeks) Moving Toys Maths Week 4 (7 weeks) Pop Art Science Week Book Week 5 (5 weeks) Why do we speak English? Art Week 6 (7 weeks) Healthy Living Week